The gang’s all here and then some

It’s like an eclipse — won’t happen again in this century! Look at what’s in my house — all at once:

THREE Dollies Online quilts made up with Sarah’s From Little Things fabrics. I know, I know, I keep squealing about it. I can’t help myself. And I can’t apologize.

I wanted to put them all up on the same wall at the same time, but I had a feeling if I did that, the new one wouldn’t get sent on to Sarah. Because the wall would be damaged by sadness if I took it down. And you can’t paint over sadness.

And I’m already dealing with the sadness of being nearly out of those stripes. Therapist!

AND WHILE IT’S SUNNY (because I know it won’t last), I snapped a few more pics.

I get to start playing with this soon:

Aerial view of Modern Workshop jellyroll. Thank you, Moda!

And I think I’m done with the clamshell portion of the clamshell quilt:

I think a couple of simple borders to finish it off. I was pondering taking the offcuts and making some sort of curvy border. I don’t think I’m entirely done contemplating that because there is a huge amount of waste when cutting this quilt. Please do not suggest a tiny clamshell border. I will come after you. 🙂


  1. Jenny said

    truely fabulous.

  2. Stephanie said

    CUTE dollie quilts. Awesome clamshells. I’m ironing and cutting Soul Blossoms today. It’s taken me a while to be able to cut into it. So pretty just stacked for me to admire.

  3. Michele said

    Thank you for the eye candy.

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE the clamshell quilt – the colours and prints you’ve chosen are SO gorgeous. Even though I want to, I will not suggest a clamshell border. What if I just call it a hummocky hill border? Half-rounds?

    And I can totally understand your feelings about having those 3 sweet dolly quilts all together in one place. Magic!

  5. lily boot said

    Oh Amy you are so talented!!!!! I’ve been dithering around the edges of exceptionally simplistic quilts for ages now – but looking at your clamshell and dollie quilts, it’s almost pushing me out to the shed to find some lonesome fabric and make the time to piece it slowly and complicatedy! Ahhhhh … such prettiness to look at.

  6. Cathy said

    How fun to have Sarah’s quilts come and visit you! I’ve said it before…love, love, love that clamshell! Hmm, have you thought of making a tiny clamshell border with the leftovers?!!! he he xo

  7. Janet said

    The dollie quilts are so fun and fabulous all together. I’m liking the look of the clamshells, they have that blended happy look.

  8. Jackie said

    Oh my, I think you made the right decision about the wall. It truly would be sad. They are gorgeous for sure! But oh, I am in love with your clamshells. I will not suggest a smallish clamshell border, although….

  9. sam said

    so very much to love all in one post…

  10. AnnieO said

    So adorable dollie trio! And loving the drunk clamshell too 🙂 You definitely are giddy over there!

  11. pat sloan said

    If we pick our favorite do we get to have it??? i want that ‘all stripe’ number!

  12. Susannah said

    Wow… They are all gorgeous! You are very brave… Have yet to cut into my Christmas Soul Blossoms.

  13. Katy said

    do you know what would really set off that clamshell quilt? A tiny clamshell border – clamshells of about 1.5 inches at their tallest. Mwahahahahaha.

  14. jeni said

    the clamshells are great …and just love the new material

  15. Kylie said

    The clam shells are AWESOME!!! Love them! You’ll pick the right border, whether tiny clamshells or not!

  16. Ha, ha on the little clamshells. It was one of the first applique things I learned. Love the solids…

  17. nanette said

    Dollies are so incredibly beautiful. Sarah’s fabric is luscious.

  18. barbara said

    i love this site so much i want to subscribe however i can. when i click on the box that says ‘subscribe by email’ nothing happens. waah! what am i doing wrong?
    i don’t want the comments, i want the blog.

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