Such a treat!

Doll-sized quilts are flying all across quilt-land as part of Doll Quilt Swap 6 (DQS6). After seeing the fabulous and creative doll quilts being made, I finally joined in during DQS5. It was such fun, I joined up again for DQS6.

Today I received my quilt. I can’t stop looking at it:


It was made by the talented and wonderful Tia at Campfollowerbags–I’m sure you’ve heard of Tia! She makes bags and quilts from military uniforms. Most recently, she conceived and spearheads an effort to make Bushfire Quilts for families in Victoria, Australia. I am amazed and inspired by how much she does! With that in mind, I am totally blown away by receiving my DQS6 quilt from her. And I am blown away by the quilt–there is so much detail in this quilt!

There are ZIG ZAGs, hand stitching, machine stitching, shot cottons, Kaffe prints, Liberty prints, gingham, black and white text, map fabric. I think she’s been up inside my head rooting around to see what I like.

I can’t get over it. Did I mention the back:


I aspire to all of this detail!

Look at these weensy (as opposed to wincey…) strips in the triangles:


Those are some tiny AND FLAT strips!


That binding is awesome!

Tia also included some gorgeous fabrics and a great Australian mag:


Thank you so very much, Tia! Thanks also to the DQS6 organizers and my group swap mama, Katy!

Pardon me, I have to go back to looking at my quilt…


Oh, I don’t know if/when there will be a DQS7. We’ll let the organizers catch their breath for a while and then start hounding them for another round. Keep an eye on the DQS Flickr page for announcement, if you’re interested.


  1. MichelleB said

    It is fabulous! You are indeed one lucky woman to have to received that quilt.

  2. Michelle said

    Ooh! Lucky you! Great quilt by Tia – and I have no idea how she finds the time either!

  3. Nanette said

    Super super darling. Love it. Mini quilts are so darling.

  4. Trisha said

    What a great quilt! This has been a fun swap.

  5. What a gift! I’m amazed by all of those tiny details and the beautiful craftwork. I don’t usually participate in swaps, but I am starting to think on it…

  6. Tara said

    Holy Moly aren’t you the lucky one? It’s absolutely beautiful! I’ll keep my eye out, because I’d love to sign up for the next one!

  7. Janet said

    You are lucky, the colours are gorgeous and a lot of thought was put into the details, no wonder you’re happy.

  8. Stephanie said

    I think I’ll go back to your post now and admire your little quilt too. Very lucky you. I’m loving these doll quilts so bookmarked the flickr group for the next go round.

  9. Anita said

    You are such a lucky duck! I adore that quilt!!!

  10. acommonplacelife said

    Wow – I totally agree – spectacular!

  11. Elaine said

    OMG…this is the cutest little quilt ever! I would love to do this kind of swap. I will have to keep an eye on blogger and flckr for the next one. Now, where did I put my doll quilt books to drool over? In the meantime, back to your blog to drool over yours. Thanks for sharing, Elaine

  12. valerie said

    Wow! I love it. Congrats!

  13. Lily Boot said

    Oooo Amy isn’t the quilting gorgeous – I love the black – I would never have been game to use black but it looks fantastic. And I adore the zigzags. Lucky you!

  14. aneela said

    You are a lucky lady, that doll quilt is gorgeous!! All those little details take it out of the ordinary. Looks like Tia has really enjoyed herself!!!!

  15. Katy said

    Isn’t it amazing? I have been itching to tell you Tia was making for you, but I was soooooooo well behaved and restrained.

  16. janet said

    Wow! That is one amazing little quilt!! What a marvelous gift.

  17. jmbmommy said

    OH RATS! You got my quilt!! I guess I will just have to be patient…wait wait wait….I will go back and look at your quilt again, it is so lovely!

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