Love stack

Say, Sweetest Day is coming up on Saturday, October 17. In honor of the day, I thought I would share the Love with someone — the Amy Butler Love, that is!

I’m giving away a stack of eight fat quarters of Love:


Would you like to win my Love?

Just submit a commit to this post before 11:59 EST on Saturday, October 17 and you’ll be entered to win a stack of eight Love fat quarters. If you post my giveaway to your blog, you’ll get an additional chance to win (email me at alobsiger at with a link to your post).

Oh, Love!

I also noticed that Amy Butler has a new pattern for her Liverpool tunic. I neeeeed to make one of these — so cute! Naturally, even in my Liverpool tunic, I will never be as stylish as Miss Catwalk Katy. Goes without saying. But after you leave a comment here, you’ll want to visit Katy and vote for her natural style!

Doing my part to spread the Love…


  1. Sarah said

    What a great giveaway! I am in “love” with Amy Butler’s new line. I can’t wait to get some!

  2. Doris said

    Can I win, please? How very generous, Amy! Have yet to see these fab fabrics in person…

    Katy is quite the dish in her paparazzi shot, isn’t she!? I already voted for her!


  3. Jenny said

    Be still my beating heart. This is the sweetest giveaway ever!
    Thanks for the chance.

  4. Kelly said

    Great giveaway, I’d love to win some love from you and Amy! I haven’t updated my blog for a long while now, so this is the perfect reason to get blogging.
    I’ve already voted for the gorgeous Katy – isn’t Leo the cutest accessory around! LOL 🙂
    That makes two good reasons to blog: your giveaway and Katy’s fashion statement!

  5. MichelleB said

    LOVE love. It’s so fabulous. I love that new tunic, too. I just might have to get that pattern.

  6. Nichole said

    what a nice giveaway! this is such fun fabric. although, i feel super cheezy saying i love it. darn her for naming it love! 🙂

  7. belinda said

    WOW…..LOVE INDEED!!! How generous of you to spread so-o-o much it!!

  8. Barb said

    Wow, so beautiful. I haven’t seen it in person yet so I’d LOVE to win some LOVE!

  9. Karen Miller said

    Love the fabric. Please pick me; I need some LOVE in my life.

  10. Marianne C said

    please spread the LOVE to me!!!!

  11. Brenda said

    Very Love-ly. Thanks for the chance to win.

  12. Trisha said

    LOVE it! That stack of fabric is some serious eye candy!

  13. Barbara said

    Who wouldn’t love to win your love? Thanks for sharing, even if I don’t win the pictures are stunning.

  14. Westiesluvquilts said

    I’m in love with LOVE and love the fact that you are willing to share! Hope I win this lovely fabric.

  15. stephanie said

    Thanks for sharing the love!! Such a beautiful line, and I’ve already ordered the Liverpool pattern! 🙂

  16. Gert said

    Wow, thank you very much for this LOVE-ly giveaway! I hope that international readers can join as well? If so, please count me in ^_^

  17. Annie Davis said

    I love these fabrics, and could use some love! 🙂

  18. Amanda B said

    Wow, what a great giveaway! Love this fabric SO much — thanks!

  19. Amy said

    Wow, this is so awesome of you! I’m sure you’d love to give to another Amy. 🙂 Thanks so much!

  20. amanda said

    I could use a little love! PICK ME 🙂 🙂 🙂

  21. Mitzi said

    You are so sweet. I’m so glad to see the LOVE line out! Its gorgeous!

  22. Mary Beth said

    Love-liest giveaway ever! My little girl’s room needs some decoration!

  23. ~Michelle~ said

    I’ve never heard of Sweetest Day – thanks for the link to the Wiki! I will make sure to celebrate on Saturday 🙂

  24. Kathy said

    [resists impulse to make “love” puns]

    Hey Mrs. S. — I really, really wanna win, OK? The fabrics are gorgeous, and I am sure there’s a special place for you in heaven for being so generous and parting with them.

    Pick me.


    PS: Pick me, pick me, pick me….

  25. Anita said

    Wow, how generous. Please include me in the love!

  26. Barb said

    That is a great offer. Thanks for the chance.

  27. Brina said

    Thank you so much for this giveaway…what a lovely way to share the LOVE. Please add my name!!
    blrohloff at aol dot com

  28. Katy said

    Please add my name – great fabric – would make a georgeous quilt. Thanks

  29. poppyprint said

    You are NOT giving those away???!!! Okay, if you must, I will gratefully accept. It’s altogether too kind, though. They’re still so fresh. And lovely. And irresistable!!! Plus, they are not yet available in Canada, so I’ll definitely be posting about your giveaway tomorrow in order to double my chances!!! Thanks for sharing the LOVE Amy!

  30. Heather said

    I love LOVE!! and I love Amy Butler – what a great giveaway!!!

  31. Tara said

    Fabulous fabrics! And I love that tunic! Thanks for the chance to win!

  32. Corinne said

    So much wordplay . . .can’t decide
    all I know is I need some

  33. Your blog is always such a good read! Thanks for sharing your words and lovely pix! I think the Liverpool Tunic is calling my name, too!

  34. Susan said

    Beautiful fabric-my favorite Amy fabric yet I think. Love the tunic too. I think I’ll have to make that one.

  35. Amy C. said

    These fabrics are to die for! I hope I win.

  36. D Spack said

    I just happened to see some this loveliness this last weekend in a shop in Utah! So very pretty, thanks for a kind giveaway!

  37. Amy Loar said

    Love that you’re spreading the Love!

    Wouldn’t it be great if the Love by Amy from Amy was won by Amy?

  38. Madison said

    I’ve been looking through her LOVE collection…and I LOVE IT!

  39. KristyZ said

    Oh my…just gotta LOVE those Amy Butler fabrics. They are always so bright and cheerful.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  40. Nancy said

    Oh, awe! I’m in love with Love! Pick me!!!

  41. Janice said

    Oooo… I Love “Love”!!

  42. Rochelle said

    The fabrics are great. It truly would be the sweetest day if I won.

  43. Debs said

    OOh I want to win! It’d be the first Amy Love in the UK I bet!

  44. Tamara said

    Wonderful giveaway! I have never heard of sweetest day before!

  45. Jill Swank said

    I am just getting into quilting, I’ve signed up for my first class. I already know how to sew, but not sure where to begin on quilting. These fabrics are exactly what I am look for to use on my first quilt!!! Thank you for the chance in your giveaway.

  46. Angela said

    Send some Love my way!

  47. Christiane said

    oh some LOVE, I ordered some (for a burgundy tunic for me:)) to be delivered in January,
    to shorten the time to wait I ‘d like to participate:D

    p.s. coming from Kathy/MO/AU I saw your “Hello Dolly”miniquilt on her blog, pattern available to start a doll quilt class?

    Have a sweet sweeetest day!

  48. Leah said

    Oh, I’d like to share some love too

  49. Abby said

    I would love to win your Love!

  50. Karen Notley said

    What a great fabric range it is!!! God bless Amy Butler. Thanks for the giveaway.

  51. Cardygirl said

    Thankyou for sharing the love with us!

  52. Stephanie said

    Love the new Amy range and love you for showing me the new tunic pattern. Hope the random generator stars are in alignment for me!

  53. Kim said

    I’d LOVE some Amy Bulter Love!

  54. Cathy said

    I Love this fabric and would Love to win Amy’s gorgeous Love range! I Love your giveaway and I Love your blog!!! xo

  55. Alexandra Wellington said

    ooooh, the love I have for this fabric range, I like so many new lines but this one is devine love….
    I just received my dolly quilt kit from Material Obsession with your pattern and it is just gorgeous, well done, i have been meaning to try the ric rac treatment since seeing it here.
    keep rocking!!

  56. Miriam said

    Ohh Wow!! What a fantastic giveaway!!
    I Love Amy Butler fabrics…….those are gorgeous colours too!!!

    Thank you for offering such a LOVEly giveaway. 🙂

    I’m off to look at Katy’s tunic…………..

  57. Heidi said

    Love to get some Love!

  58. Amy said

    Oh my gosh- how can you part with these fabrics? Did you catch H1N1?

  59. These are really gorgeous fabrics and it is very generous of you to share some with your readers. Thanks and I hope to win, fingers crossed!

  60. Someone is going to be over the top thrilled with this win – that LOVE fabric is incredible! Thanks for the chance at such an awesome give away!

  61. Clare said

    From This is My Blog to Red Pepper quilts to you – I LOVE how this whole world works – and I love Amy too!!!

  62. Tiffany said

    I think Amy’s choice to name the fabric LOVE is awesome!

  63. Cathie said

    Oh Mrs. Schmenkman! Pleasea do enter me in your most wonderfulest giveaway. These are ab”sew”lutely declicious fabrics that I would so love to play with. Great rich colors for making autumn delites!

  64. rachal said

    ooohh! i would love to win this, it would be fantastic to get me hands on it, i think i’d be the first in australia to have it1 thanks so much for the generous giveaway!

  65. Sewglenda said

    Oh Mrs. Schmenkman! I would Love some “Love”!
    Love, Glenda!

  66. Vivian said

    oh my — those are some beautiful fabrics — I’d love to be the winner (my birthday is tomorrow, October 14 — does that help?)

  67. Eileen said

    LOVE it! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  68. Beth Laidlaw said

    I’ve just started to collect brights. This group would make a LOVEly addition to my small stash.

  69. Ann said

    Hi Mrs. Schmenkmen –do you remember your post asking people where your blog name came from? well I never saw the answer, i remember also checking out the other Mrs Schmenkmen but I don’t the answer. What is the answer? is this a question for the ages? will you enlighten those of us unable to follow , to the end, a thread on a blog? Please let me in to the inner circle of knowledge. Oh yeah, i love LOVE too. I have some thoroughly modern quilts designed (in my mind only) where LOVE would do wonders. Thanks for an always enjoyable read.

  70. Anita said

    Oh my that fabric is just gorgeous! I hope I win!!!

  71. Susannah said

    Love be tender… Love be sweet…

  72. Mary said

    Oh I love this fabric. Oooohhh I would love to win this fabric.

  73. Anya said

    What a “love”ly giveaway! Thanks for the chance.

  74. Monika Griffin said

    Please, please pick me, I LOVE Amy. Love your blog too, it is on my to-do list daily.

  75. Debbie said

    I _need_ those fabrics! I’ve almost finished piecing an aqua and red graduation quilt and am ready for some inspiration for my next project while I quilt it!

  76. Kat D said

    Great fabric! I’d “love” to win it.

  77. tara said

    love love love amy’s love.

  78. Ariane said

    I love this fabric. It’s amazing. Thanks for giving us a chance to win.

  79. Carol said

    That fabric is wonderful! Please enter me in your giveaway.

  80. Stephanie said

    Thanks for offering Amy Butler, I love her creations! I would love the chance to win. I posted your give away on my blog…. Thanks Stephanie

  81. Marlene Scobbie said

    Love the fabric. What a wonderful giveaway. Count me in.

  82. Jennifer said

    Ooh, I LOVE it! I would love to win. Off to post about your giveaway on my blog…

  83. Brittney said

    Thanks for the giveaway – I am really anxious to see these fabrics in person, the colors are so vibrant!

  84. Kristy said

    Love it so much. 🙂 Kristy in Ohio

  85. Lauren said

    Amy’s done it again, hasn’t she? I adore this range and would be so happy to win some.

  86. Andrea said

    What is not to LOVE about Amy??? her new line is fantastic, as expected!!

  87. Jeannie said

    What a lovely generous giveaway! Love to make the Love into a lovely quilt. Thanks

  88. mariajhmom said

    How lovely of you to give away that lovely fabric that will make a lovely quilt for some lovely person for this lovely winter!!!

  89. Rachel said

    ooh yeah. I love Love.

  90. jennifer said

    i really love that purple tint!

  91. Stephanie said

    Boy am I glad I got back home in time to enter your giveaway. I may be an Amy Butler stalker!

  92. Kerry said

    I love your blog! It is so colourful and fresh! As are Amy’s fabrics, I just love them too. Pleeease let me enter in your draw!

  93. Joanna said

    I am a die-hard Amy Butler fan, so these would definitely be put to good use in my hands!! Thanks for the generosity with the giveaway:)

  94. Nyla Dominguez said

    What lovely fabric and what a fun idea. Count me in!

  95. laurie said

    OH wow – this fabric is LOVEly!!! Yum!!

  96. Jeannette said

    Please count me in the draw I absolutly love this material

  97. Shelley C said

    Loven’ the updated colors in this line! Something for everyone. Thanks!

  98. Iva said

    I Love that tunic, and I Love those fabrics. What a fabulous giveaway; it would really make my day to win.

  99. Rita said

    I “Love” her new line!

  100. Melinda said

    What a beautiful line this is. I hope I win!

  101. Lurline said

    Oh, I don’t often enter Giveaways – just looove this fabric!
    Hugs – Lurline♥

  102. V said

    oooh! that is some cute stuff! maybe I’ll see it in houston.. fingers crossed!

  103. Dianne said

    That is YUMMY stuff!

  104. Beautiful fabrics. I like the Liverpool Tunic .. hmm, I may have to get that pattern and try it out soon. Cheers!

  105. Greg said

    What a nice thing for you to do on sweetest day. Those FQ’s would make a SWEET addition to my stash. Thanks for the chance and the give away!

  106. Katherine said

    Thanks for the chance for some Love! I liked that Liverpool Tunic…

  107. Kate said

    What a very generous giveaway and of course I would be THRILLED to acquire some LOVE. Have a girlfriend who is due to have a little girl and know she would LOVE a LOVE quilt!!

    Thanks again x K

  108. stampinwithbeth said

    I would LOVE to win this gift! The 17th is my 6th wedding anniversary and this would make the perfect addition to our day!

  109. Lynne said

    Simply Gorgeous colours and just love the name of the range. Great Giveaway.
    Fingers crossed
    Lynne in South Australai

  110. Yowzah! You are one generous blogger! I had to google Sweetest Day — sounds fun! I will post in my blog tomorrow.

  111. Mary said

    I could use some love!!

  112. soo said

    What a fantastic giveaway….sharing the Love around!

  113. Britt said

    Oooh, I’d love me some LOVE fabric! Yummy stuff!

  114. Katie said

    Love it! Thanks for the chance to win such gorgeous fabric.

  115. Melissa said

    Oh, wow! Too much fun- thanks for the chance!

  116. Beate Teale said

    o gosh….keep the love coming!

  117. Pokey said

    These are so sweet! Thanks for the opportunity!

  118. Corrie said

    I LOVE everything Amy Butler! Thanks for having this giveaway. Hope I win!

  119. quintadaquilter said

    Love the Love!!!

  120. Andi said

    I’d love a bit of your love Mrs Shmenkman!!!

  121. jan richards said

    would love to win these fat quarters….see why you loved this grouping.

  122. Marit said

    There is always room for a bit more love in my life…

  123. Love the new line, and how super you are doing this giveaway! Can’t wait for it to come out in the shops! Thanks a lot for the chance to win.

  124. marg said

    I love this giveaway
    thanks m

  125. Helen said

    I do think I need a little love. I would so love to win these. 🙂
    Thanks for the chance. I am crossing my fingers.

  126. Caroline said

    Thanks for your generous offer Amy – of course I had to comment when such wonderful fabrics are on the line!

  127. Janet said

    Look at those colours and those dots! Thanks for passing on the chance for some love.

  128. Lori Kay said

    I’d love some Love. Thanks for the giveaway!

  129. Karen said

    How love-ly, I would love to win some love..

  130. njquilter24 said

    wow just beautiful!
    would be fun to win and make a doll quilt out of them, and of course add them to my princess feather quilt 🙂

  131. Pam said

    Oh how pretty! I would love to win, please pick me!

  132. ktquilts said

    Please enter me! I love LOVE, but I have been a bad girl about fabric purchases and am trying not to buy LOVE. Yet. But this wold fulfill my longing, and save my wallet!!!



  133. Sue Cahill said

    How absolutely lovely and generous!! With Christmas coming and my list of gifts to make too long it would be fantastic to win that lovely fabric.

    Thanks for the chance.

    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at

  134. Karin said

    I saw Love for the first time the other day and fell in love immediately! It’s just so pretty. Toss my name in the sewing basket, please!

  135. lesly said

    Ooh, ooh, pick me! *hand waving in the air* What a great giveaway! I need this because my sewing machine broke down I can no longer make shoes and the elves don’t seem to come any more. I will have to go and sell matches on the street, which no one will buy and since it’s getting cold I will no doubt use up all my matches trying to keep warm, and one morning they will find me in a frozen lump on the sidewalk. All this fairy tale catastrophe could be avoided if I could just win those gorgeous FQs….. I will waste no time posting this on my blog:

  136. Mel said

    Fabric is always welcome in this house. I don’t get the whole stash giveaway movement at all, what’s mine, stays mine until it’s made into something for someone else!! Beautiful Deep rich colours. Lovely

  137. Dee Martin said

    Okay, I sacrificed to the copier gods and the fabric stars aligned and spoke to me yesterday…not to mention I won a free breakfast sandwich at McDonald’s…so I have win something mojo working for me. I would love to win…dare I type that again…I need to win the Amy Butler fat quarters! Badly! Please, oh please, oh pretty please pick me!

  138. Lauranie said

    I would LOVE to have these!! Thanks so much for giving us a chance!!

  139. kate said

    would love to win it! perfect for a bright, cheery quilt for my (soon to be) baby girl…

  140. Simona said

    I love Amy Butler fabrics but I’m on a self imposed restriction from buying any fabric, at least until I lower my stash, lol. This may be the only way I can get Love! Thanks for the give away!!!!!

  141. I’m in love with LOVE- Amy Butler’s Love that is! I posted about you on my blog this morning so I’m in for two!! Thanks for this awesome give-away!

  142. nanette said

    Well I will for sure talk about this lovely fabric on Friday on my blog. It is delicious. Sweet of you to have a giveaway.

  143. Mamaspark said

    Beautiful fabrics, generous give away! count me in!!

  144. Delores Wagg said

    Love Amy Butler fabrics! Would love to win!

  145. summernightsmiles said

    What a great giveaway! Please count me in! The fabric is gorgeous =)

  146. Andrea said

    You’re very sweet! And the fabric is lovely!

  147. Chrizette said

    Oh how beautiful! Please add me to the give-away!

  148. Debbie said

    I agree with everyone, those are beautiful fabrics.


  149. Diane said

    Well I just LOVE any thing Amy Butler. Please include me in your drawing.

  150. Joyzelle said

    Wonderful fabrics, generous giveaway….Add me to the list!
    Pick me….please!

  151. Wendi said

    I would love some of Amy Butler love!1

  152. Jennifer said

    What great fabric and a great giveaway!

  153. Sue said

    Love makes the world go round….and quilts abound.
    Thank you for the opportunity to win something so beautiful.

  154. Isa said

    I would love to win some love 🙂

  155. Brooke said

    Sweet! Thanks so much!

  156. I’m never entirely sure what to say in a giveaway. I shall try ‘yes please’ and ‘thank you.’ !

  157. Arabella said

    What lovely fabric and a great giveaway!

  158. I would LOVE to win these fabrics. It’s a lovely thing for you to do. And, I would LOVE to have a second chance at winning so will link to my blog and send you a separate email. Thanks! Debbie

  159. Wendy B said

    Please add me to the giveaway….I’d LOVE to spread the LOVE!!!! Amy Butler certainly knew what she was talking about…’s absolutely LOVE-ly!!
    ‘o) Wendy B

  160. Erica K said

    I would indeed love to win the love! 🙂

  161. Cindy Felter said

    Loverly fabric! Thanks for the chance to win! I

    Aren’t quilting blogs the best?? In college I did a paper on quilting (compared four different cultures ) and learned how quilting was one of the few ways a woman could express herself artistically. Now we have blogs and I am in heaven!! If only those gals in the 1800s could see us now!

  162. Marge Jansonius said

    Thank you for the generous give-away. Love is precious and the fabric is also very lovely. It would be wonderful to win such a prize. Thank you, Marge

  163. What a fantastic giveaway ! Thanks for the opportunity! Lilli

  164. Louise Jitts said

    The LOVE feeling “THE LOVE” at our house with all these raging teenage hormones!! this spunky yummy fabric would so suit the mood here it would be so wonderful to win (sewing distracts this mother and calms her so she can deal with the next truckload of LOVE her kids dream about)

  165. VickyB said

    The fabric is just georgeous. If I am fortunate to be the recipient of your give away…I would definitely convert it into a [love] quilt. I just love bright and beautiful fabric.

  166. anne Dease said

    pitter pat, pitter pat….I would LOVE some of that LOVE!!! XXX Annie

  167. Angela Butler said

    What a “lovely” giveaway. Thank you!

  168. Sarah Vee said

    This is a wonderful way to share your LOVE, Amy! I just checked out your next post about the dollie quilts and am really thinking about it. All the way over here in Canada. Thanks for the chance to win!

  169. Deb Smith said

    Beautiful! I’d love to win it!

  170. Jennette said

    The best giveaway i have entered!

  171. Janine Hamnett said

    I just love the love, fantastic new range Thanks Janine

  172. Jackie said

    Everyone can use a little love! I sure know that I could. Yummy, yummy, love!!

  173. jacquie said

    how generous of you…i’m obsessed with her new dots…LOVE them!!

  174. Kate said

    Those fabrics are amazing! Love, love, love!

  175. Lisa said

    Hi! I just found you from another blog 🙂 The Love Fabrics are beautiful. Thanks for doing the giveaway.
    Lisa (a newbie blogger)

  176. Julie said

    Oh how does Amy keep coming up with the goods? Love to love it baby!! I have a wee 2yo with a new bed that needs a bit of quilty sorta love…

  177. Bronwyn said

    Thanks for being so generous!! Who doesn’t love AB?? Always something new and exciting – well, for this fabric addict!

  178. Amy said

    I would really like to have some LOVE! I have the perfect pattern for it.

  179. Aimee said

    This is a great giveaway since lots of folks like me have only been able to view it from afar! Maybe I’ll win it and get to actually touch it!
    Thanks so much!

  180. I would love to win! It would certainly make my week! Thanks for the chance!

  181. SewLindaAnn said

    I love everything Amy Butler does, I’ll have to see what that Liverpool tunic is.Thanks for the giveaway…

  182. jenn said

    Perfect colours, in perfect combinations…I love it! Thank you so much for the chance to win.

  183. Dolores said

    How wonderfully bright and cheery. The next day is my birthday and this little bundle would make a very nice gift. 😉

  184. What gorgeous fabric! Thanks for having this contest. I hope I win. (keepin’ my fingers crossed)

  185. Annie said

    What stunningly beautiful fabric that deserves a great home, one that would love and cherish it and share it around. I know just the place! Thanks for your gererosity I’m sure it will go to a great home no matter who gets it.

  186. Katy said

    Oh, I do love you, Schmenkman. Sneaky little thing linking to my blog!!! I happen to think you’d look totally fab in the liverpool tunic. Watch out America’s next top model 😉

  187. Janice said

    Please enter me in this Give-away, as for the Liverpool tunic well i may not do it but am closer to Liverpool as i am in the UK lol
    Hugs Janice

  188. emma said

    Oooh, count me in, what a generous giveaway! I’m just starting to get into Amy’s prints.

  189. Catherine said

    I love this latest line from Amy. Gorgeous colours! So generous to do this giveaway. My mind is whirling with what I could make with it.

  190. Michele said

    I think I’m in love with that collection. Amy Butler does it again!

  191. trashalou said

    Miss Katy Fashionista Monkey sent me over to say hi and she suggests that as her fashion guru I should be gifted instant access to those delicious fat quarters. Or something 😉

  192. Eliane T. said

    Those fabrics are so gorgeous!
    Please count me in and thanks for the chance.

  193. Sylvie said

    Ooooooooooh I would LOVE to win! These fabrics are great, and my birthday is on October 18th! It would be a super birthday present!!!
    Thank you for the giveaway!

  194. Laurie said

    Love the love line count me in please.

  195. patty said

    I would LOVE to win. They would make a wonderful baby quilt.

  196. Linda said

    I’m new (working on a couple! of first quilts) to this craze (knitter) but I’m sure I would LOVE my first ever Amy Butler fabric!

  197. Donna said

    Love love love the love line.

    That’s a whole lot of love. Thanks for the chance to win!

    – Donna

  198. Leslie said

    wow…this new line is amazing!! thank you for doing the giveaway!! so cool

  199. Sara said

    Oh, would I ever LOVE to win this giveaway. Thanks for your generosity!

  200. Zarina said

    And I love you too. I too spread my love for hand dyed threads by asking a fellow blogger to test tat for me.

  201. PaulaK said

    Oh, these are gorgeous! Thanks for the opportunity to win – I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed!

  202. Jacque said

    OH. MY. GOSH. I love, love, LOVE that fabric! What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win this LOVEly fabric!

  203. Jocelyn said

    Oh wow what a fabulous giveaway! Thanks for entering my name 🙂

  204. Sue Cahill said

    I really would love to LOVE that fabric line. How sweet and lovely it would be to win.

    Thanks for the chance.

    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

  205. Pam Cope said

    Every morning when I get to work, before I do anything else I check your blog and Sarah’s. They are my happy thoughts that keep me slogging away through accounting and spreadsheets all day until I get home & can put on my jammies and SEW! Please please please pick me!
    Pam-a-lama happy quilter 🙂

  206. margaret said

    It’s just about the best LOVE ever!!

  207. Carin said

    please add me to your giveaway too I would love to win that beautiful fabric.

  208. Kim D. said

    I would love to be entered into your drawing for the give-a-way. What a generous give-a-away. Thanks for the opportunity to win, I L-O-V-E the Amy Butler fabric.

  209. Oh yes please, I would love to win! I love that tunic pattern too – I just picked up some gorgeous cotton lawn, maybe I could use it for this pattern, we’ll see!

  210. Kait said

    I have been discovering so many great blogs lately, including yours, it’s really exciting! Amy Butler has been a part of a lot of fun projects for me, thanks for having the giveaway!

  211. Margy said

    The FQ are fantastic, please enter me in your giveaway.

    Groetjes from Belgium,

  212. Beth said

    Count me in…I love all those saturated colors!

  213. Rhondi said

    One of my quilting friends told me about your giveaway. I love Amy Butler fabrics so I hope I win. What a generous giveaway. Thanks!

  214. Jan said

    I’d “LOVE” to win these fat quarters. Thanks for the chance.

  215. sharon j said

    A beautiful give away, those colors are gorgeous, would love to win!
    Thanks for the chance.

  216. giselle said

    What a generous giveaway! I would love some love by amy butler; the polka dots look perfect for binding!

  217. Judy said

    What’s not to love about Amy’s “love” fabric line?

  218. Rockgranny said

    What a wonderful colors , I love them
    I’ve posted a link on my blog.
    Please, count me in.

  219. paula said

    This is such a gorgeous line….and it may be my lucky day because Saturday October 17th is my oldest daughter’s 18th bday! I still can’t believe I’m going to have an 18 year old daughter – wow – how time flies! Thanks so a chance to win.

  220. Maria Luis said

    Please pick me. I’ll put it to good use.


  221. Selina said

    It’s just the most gorgeous fabric. Just hope I’d have the heart to cut into it!

  222. Terri said

    Please enter me in the contest. Thanks for the opportunity!

  223. Nova said

    *Adds tunic to wishlist* Pretty!

  224. Rene' said

    I “love” Amy Butler’s “love” fabric. What a great giveaway. Thanks for spreading the “love”. How many times can you type “love” in one blog? Thanks for giving me a chance to win some “love”. Have a “love”ly day!!! Ok … enough..

  225. Greta said

    I think this might be my favorite Amy Butler line. It’s perfect for a project I have in mind 🙂

  226. Ann G. said

    Great, wonderful, beautiful, gorgeous fabric! Would love to win this giveaway.

  227. Brianna said

    I ordered my ‘Love’ on Monday night and then had this thought last night that maybe I haven’t ordered enough! Lucky I clicked on your blog. Thanks for the giveaway!

  228. Viv said

    Beautiful fabric. That’s what i call sharing the “love”.

  229. Simone said

    Love (he he) the new colours.

  230. Justine said

    Be still my beating heart!! How delicious are those fabrics. Thanks for the chance to win…..


  231. CrossRoads said

    Oh YES! I LOVE to LOVE. And, I would LOVE to win your giveaway. Thanks in advance for your kind offer and opportunity.

    Smiling Hello & Hugs from chilly rainy Istanbul:)

  232. Sally said

    Thank you for posting these luscious fabrics. They’d be just the thing to add to my Amy Butler fabrics. Don’t have too many yet because they’re hard to find around my locale but I keep searching…


  233. Doina said

    Great giveaway! I’ve posted a link on my blog. Thanks for entering my name!

  234. Marsha Clarke said

    I love Amy’s new line. They would look great in her big hexagon quilt. Thanks for the chance to win.

  235. Chase said

    great giveaway. they are so fancy!!!

    thanks for sharing

    happy friday


  236. Oh my this would be so exciting to win!

  237. jmbmommy said

    Sweet!! I know that I have won before, but hey, Sunday is my birthday and fabric is a great present! Hee hee.

  238. Aimee said

    Just imagining the fun I could have with these fat quarters is exciting!!! You are so generous!

  239. Linnea said

    hehe I’m in LOVE with this line! What a fantastic giveaway…Thanks for sharing 🙂

  240. Mrs Moen said

    I definately would not mind adding these fabrics to my stash; please count me in for your give-away.

  241. John said

    Thanks for the great giveaway! I can’t wait to get my hands on some of this new line.

  242. Bree said

    Comment number 239!! Wow, how many people have you inspired this week!!
    Thanks for the chance to win some beautiful fabric.

  243. Ramie said

    I love these fabrics!! Thank you for the giveaway! I just learned about your blog, I look forward to following another creative person. 🙂

  244. dorothy said

    i’m really impressed how amy butler re-invents herself–those are awesome fabrics!

  245. Gillian said

    Please enter me in to win too. Thank you!

  246. Kylie said

    “Love” the bright colours of this line (and the others). Now, what could I do with them?

  247. Amber said

    thanks for the love. I would share the love too and use the fabrics to make a quilt for my mom.

  248. Jan said

    Oh boy if I could win these fabrics I promise to give up chocolate. Amy Butler is one of the most inspiring designers around. I love LOVE.

  249. karen said

    just lovely is all I can say

  250. Christine said

    Absolutely love this fabric – I write this whilst watching my favourite movie “Love Actually”, piecing my double wedding ring quilt and catching up on some blog reading – a wonderful Saturday night I say!!!

  251. You are so kind to give us all a chance to win this set of gorgeous fabric! Thank you!

  252. Katrina said

    Love this new collection by Amy Butler! What fabulous colors. I am crossing my fingers for this generous giveaway.

  253. Sonja said

    251 comments, I’m number 252 but I don’t care! I only want to thank your for your adring and inspiring blog! With love from Holland, Sonja.

  254. Sonja said

    oeps, I.m sorry, this is what the text should be:

    I only want to thank you for your adoring and inspiring blog!

  255. Pam said

    What a fabulous and generous giveaway – count me in!!

  256. Jane said

    what a stunning giveaway – thanks for the opportunity!

  257. susana said

    Fabulous giveaway. And I got to find your blog! Thanks for both.

  258. Jeanine said

    How can you NOT love Amy Butler’s fabric??? I’m saving some of her older stuff – I don’t know why, but I just love it even if it’s not in a quilt!!!

  259. sewpam63 said

    I drooled on some of these fabrics in Houston. My luggage weighed 43 pounds BEFORE I got to Houston…?! So, I didn’t buy any, but sure would LOVE…get it ; ), to win some!!!

  260. Martha said

    Wow, how lovely!! I would love to win these beautiful fabrics. Thanks for a great giveaway!!

  261. Pam said

    I know, I am too late, but what a nice gal you are to give it away! Kinda like Love! Pam in Chico

  262. patchysails said

    Id LOVE LOVE LOVE to win it finally!!!

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