Size does matter

I’m so pleased to be able to join in Pat Sloan’s “The Edge” blog hop celebrating her new Edge rulers! BUT, when I found out I’d be sharing the blog hop day with THE PAMKITTYMORNING and THE HAPPY ZOMBIE?!?!?! Can you imagine my glee?

I’m not sure Pat knew what she was in for.

Maybe Pat didn’t realize that we are AMP-ed about measuring! So we became Team AMP-ed and set about to show you that yes, indeedy, size does matter. We hit the road to measure the immeasureable (?), to compare and contrast the size of major landmarks, to take Pat’s rulers where they have never gone before! AMP-ed, I tell ya!

First off, my crack measuring team (Team Tiny AMP?), hit the city streets.

They totally got into the “spirit” of measuring. That’s the “Spirit of Detroit” statue, dontcha know.

Then they made their way into the middle of the street to meet Joe Louis and take the measure of the man.

Size matters! I’m getting out of the way of that man’s fist.

Next, they got a measure of the local economy.

Yeah, that’s the GM headquarters. I’m not sure that size is an accurate reading there.

All of that measuring made Tiny Team AMP hungry.

So they had to stop in to American Coney Island for a little refreshment.

And then they just took a picture of an immeasurably cute girl:

Well, because she’s cute.

Then Tiny Team AMP-ed 2 went back out on the road to get the measure of some fun and games.

First, we had to measure how much time we had.

Good, plenty of time before our ride wrist bands expire!

First we took on the Super Slide.

That was a measure of fun, BUT, the biggest winner on the midway?

Definitely the Skywheel!

Makes the Super Slide look absolutely puny. We confirmed that size definitely does matter when it comes to fun!

Finally, we took the ruler out into the wilds to see what we would find. What, ho? Giant marshmallows?

Well, OK, not really.

After putting Pat’s rulers through their measuring paces, we can say that other rulers just don’t measure up like Pat’s!

While the Team AMP-ed measuring feats were fun, Pat asked us to share our first quilting experiences.

I can’t show you my very first quilt because it died a slow, shred-dy death. I will tell you it was all solids in peach, brown, red, blue and green and it was a quilt-as-you-go log cabin from an Eleanor Burns’ book. I took a class through our local recreation program back in about 1993. I thought it was great and was having a lot of fun until it came time to figure out how to attach a backing to the thing. I believe I decided at that point, so early on in my quilting career, NEVER to quilt-as-I-went again. I’ve pretty much stuck to that. Although I have quilted-as-I’ve-appliqued a number of times.

The closest living relative to my first machine-done quilt is this one:

The venerable four-patch on point. Do you see the rebel yell in the quilt? I went against the grain, so to speak, and wanted to put a color in the setting squares. I took this class at a local shop and caused trouble from the start. I think the next quilt project was a small trip around the world (I believe I am still handquilting that one…). The one after that was a heinous elongated nine-patch with heavy use of tea dyed muslin and lipstick coral.

And, look, here’s my first rotary cutter:

I believe it still has its original blade. Ah, well. It got me on the road to much quilting mischief. The rest, as they say, is history and stuff I haven’t done yet.

Finally, Pat asked us to share a recipe. I’m going to share two because they are on my mind these days what with the change in seasons.

I start making this one around December.

Horseradish-Olive-Cheese Spread

2 – 8 oz. lite cream cheese
2/3 C. chopped green olives
2 Tbsp. horseradish
1/2 C. grated parmesan cheese

Mix together well. Chill. Seems to be best with stoned wheat crackers. yum yum

And I do believe vegetable roasting season has begun. This makes the house smell amazing!


Tomato Vegetable Casserole
(Recipe originally from Giada De Laurentiis)

1 medium potato, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch pieces
1 medium yam, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch pieces
1 red bell pepper, seeded and cut into 1/2-inch pieces
2 carrots, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch pieces
5 tablespoons olive oil
1 red onion, thinly sliced into rings
2 small or 1 large zucchini, cut crosswise into 1/4-inch-thick pieces
Salt and pepper
2 large ripe tomatoes, cut crosswise into 1/4-inch thick slices
1/2 cup grated Parmesan
2 tablespoons dried Italian-style bread crumbs
Fresh basil sprigs, for garnish

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.

Toss the potato, yam, bell pepper, carrots, and 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a 13 by 9 by 2-inch baking dish to coat. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and toss until coated. Spread vegetables evenly over the bottom of the pan.

Arrange the onion slices evenly over the vegetable mixture. Arrange the zucchini over the onion. Drizzle with 2 tablespoons of oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Arrange the tomato slices over the zucchini.

Stir the Parmesan and bread crumbs in a small bowl to blend. Sprinkle the Parmesan bread crumbs over the vegetables in the baking dish. Drizzle with the last tablespoon of olive oil.

Bake uncovered until the vegetables are tender, and the topping is golden brown, about 40 minutes. Garnish with fresh basil sprigs, if desired.


OK, now I’m starving. I’m going to have to go eat something now.

Anyhoo, if you’ve stuck around through the measuring antics, first quilt and recipes, you deserve a prize! And someone’s going to win an entire set of Pat’s new rulers.

To be entered to win the set, you must comment on ALL of the ruler blog hop posts. Comments will be open through Sunday.

In addition, I’m giving away a fat quarter set of Color Theory by Sandra Banava:

I’ll draw a winner from the comments to this post through Sunday.

Here are all of the other The Edge ruler blogs:

Monday, Sept 27

The inimitable “how does she do it all?” Pat Sloan
Kelly of “IHAN” Fame… she is the funniest writer out there!

Tuesday, Sept 28

Amy “NEW quilt book author.. oh yeah!”
Jackie “fabrics so awesome”
Wednesday, Sept 29

Julie “the tutorial queen”
Amanda “who pumps out projects!”

Thursday, Sept 30

Monica “lover of red and aqua”
Amy “you are here”
Pam “the Kitty” herself

Friday, Oct 1

Carrie Nelson “standing in for Miss Rosie”
Polly Minick and Laurie Simpson “the DY-Na-MO Sistas!”
Cheryl Arkison “A most Modern Girl”

Saturday, Oct 2

Michele Foster “master of blogger heaven”
Pat Sloan- Pat’s wrap up

Thanks for visiting! I hope you are AMP-ed about Pat’s new rulers, and I hope this blog hop stop measured up!


  1. Wilma NC said

    Funny post. It’s only 7am and you’ve made me hungry too!!!

  2. Colleen said

    It did measure up – Thanks for the laughs. Love the pictures of Detroit. I am a local SE Det. Suburbanite. Thanks for the the veggie recipe too.

  3. fabricpile said

    Excellent. Pat’s rulers RULE Detroit and the Street Fair! Mmmmmm . . . . cheeeeeeeese spread!

  4. Aniza said

    I enjoyed reading yr morning post as evening is creeping on my side of the world.

  5. Mama Spark said

    I love the Detroit things you measured!! Way to go! Might have to break down and try those amazing recipes too.

  6. Julia P said

    Great humor! Love seeing parts of the city.

  7. Stephanie said

    This is the “funnest” ruler post yet. I’m especially loving the marshmallow forest. Looks like you had an ergonomic rotary cutter before they were “the thing.” Early quilting projects are fun to look at…color choices certainly have changed. These rulers are terrific and I’m in serious need of new ones.

  8. Crystal Knight said

    Thanks for the recipes. Look yummy! Also, I am loving visiting each blog. Great pictures of so many different places. I hope you will enter my name in your drawing for the rulers.

  9. I loved your post! Fun.
    I also love me some roasted veggies. It’s about the only way I cook them
    Thanks for the fun tour and the great recipes!

  10. Sarah Vee said

    Loved your measuring! I finally cracked up at the marshmallows. The roasted veggie recipe smells good too, and I love the fat quarters. Thanks for sharing you quilting history and joining Pat on the hop.

  11. Misty said

    Great first quilt! Much nicer than my first. And your recipes sound great!

  12. Diane Myers said

    The recipes look good…and different for me. But I LOVE the fat quarter bundle.
    Use to not even have an orange stash but suddenly I love it!!


  13. Vicki said

    Jeez, 6:30 am and I want veggies. That’s just wrong.

    That fabric is beautiful and I already love the rulers before I own one. Thanks for the chance to win good stuff:)

  14. Char said

    Can’t wait to try that cheese spread recipe!

  15. Love the measuring demo!!! Thanks for participating!!

  16. Angie said

    Cute post and photos. 🙂 Would love to have that ruler!

  17. michele said

    Interesting blog entry! Like the photos. I already have more rulers than I need, but maybe I need one of these too.

  18. Kathy said

    That color theory fabric looks great. Here I thought Happy Zombie had figured out the best way to show off the rulers and then you show it that way too, lol. It still is a cool way to show us all the rulers and the marks on the rulers!

  19. Joan said

    I’m off to get a sweet potato! That sounds yummy. Thanks!

  20. Kim said

    Beautiful pictures…love the fat quarters too!

  21. patty said

    I am loving these rulers! Thank you for the extra fabric giveaway! That fabric is wonderful! I will have to track some down in case I don’t win it. I think it would make a fab quilt!

  22. Rose said

    Loved your pics, recipes and the fq bundle

  23. Anita said

    I loved to be in that measuremant team too. Only I didn’t think I could make a picture of the marsmallows. I eat them before.

  24. Miss Sherry said

    Scrolling thru the pictures, saw the sign on the street car for Bluffton, IN Don’t live there, but been there……. I digress Anyhoo, thanks for the pictoral tour of your town….. hope you get lots of great comments on your blog!!!

  25. Julia said

    What a great measuring rulers. I enjoyed your excursion. –Julia

  26. Four-ingredient recipe? I’m all over that. And how convenient as I have been thinking of some sort of cream cheese/olive concoction to try out. I hadn’t got to the part of looking for a recipe there and it just popped up in front of me. Cool!

    Thanks for the tour!

  27. Becky said

    hee hee! Very cute. Love the fabric too!

  28. pat sloan said

    I THINK I spit coffee through my nose EARLY in your post… LOL!!! I TOTALLY LOVE it … and I detect a marshmallow theme??? i’ve been to Monica and heading over to visit Pam!!!

    oh… what an adorable assistant you have… very good with a ruler too!

    oh oh…. more totally YUMMY food to try… this blog hop is going to make me gain 10 lbs!

  29. Judy Knorr said

    Really cute pictures. Looks like Pat’s rulers are well travelled.

  30. Maribeth Sala-Gietzen said

    Thanks for coming to Detroit-we can use all the tourist dollars we can get! I could go for a coney dog right now (8am). I love roasted veggies-can’t wait to try the recipe.

  31. Brigitte said

    how funny, to measure the time with a ruler – thanks for the smile!
    Your special giveaway Sandra Banava fabrics are soooo cute, would love to be a lucky winner
    greetings from Germany

  32. yummy more fabric this is good and rulers to. Thanks Linda

  33. Linda P. said

    I’d have to agree on the photo shoot partner – pretty cute! Loved your post and gave me chuckles. You have quite a nice rotary cutter there – maybe Pat will design a new one, and you can retire that one – lol!! Both recipes sound really good – especially the veggies, but I also like cream cheese & olive sandwich, so the dip sounds good also!! Thanks!!

  34. Grace said

    I really liked the color combination you chose for your first quilt. Loved your tour of your town! Those recipes sound good, and I can’t wait to try them. I love the colors in that fabric bundle.

  35. -debby, chester ny said

    wow, so nice of you to have a contest for a bindle of fat quarters as well as being a part of Pat’s ruler giveaway. Your post today reminds me of the silly posts of the Lizzy Be Cre8tive website.

  36. Linda said

    I enjoyed reading your blog!

  37. Brandie said

    I love the rulers around town. What a great way to show off both. I’m totally starving now. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  38. Alexis Gardner said

    Enjoyed the blog, will be checking in regularly

  39. Vicki Quilternp said

    Great post size does count and bigger is better
    copied your recipes both sound yummy
    and by the way I love orange thanks for the give aways

  40. Thanks for starting my day off with a smile (more like a side-splitting guffaw). I needed it. If I win the rulers, I might have to measure how much sleep I’ve NOT had this week. I’m not sure the 37″-er would be able to handle it, tho.
    I’m glad I hopped. Thanks!

  41. Ursula said

    Great post. I love the way you use them in your posting. Very cute!

  42. Deb Fox-McHugh said

    such fun blogs today! Laughing through my morning coffee-thanks for a great way to wake up.

  43. Jacqui VMS said

    What fun posts today, measuring things in your area!! Great job. And, thanks for the recipes!!

    Jacqui in Canada

  44. Steffi said

    I always enjoy pictures of the homes of other quilters. So thanks for sharing.
    Your blue rotary cutter is pretty cool! And your recipes sound yummy. 🙂

  45. So cute all the things that you measured. If I win the rulers I think it would be neat to measure some of the painted horse statues that are scattered around my town of Ocala,Fl. Thanks for a chance to win the beautiful fabric as well.

  46. Karin said

    Great post. Thanks for the tour and the recipes! Cream cheese and olives? My favorite combination. My grandmother used to make me cream cheese and olive sandwiches for lunch when I was little. Yum.

  47. What a fun post. Your veggie casserole recipe sounds delicious.

  48. Anya said

    How wonderful! Thanks for the chance!

  49. Marj said

    Very creative post and thanks for the recipe.

  50. LOL! . Too much fun! Thanks for sharing your city. Yummy fabrics. Thanks for participating in this blog hop!

  51. Linda said

    Enjoyed reading your post, I hope I win your fat quarter bundle, it is so yummy!

  52. Marcia said

    Oh those fabrics have such great colors!

  53. Jocelyn said

    woo-hoo, my first “completed” quilt was the Eleanor Burns Log Cabin! These rulers look like they would work GREAT with QIAD patterns! Loved your post. And yes the girl is very cute 🙂

  54. Jennifer said

    Okay, now I’m totally AMP’ed, too! You three ladies are awesome! And thanks for that yummy sounding veggie casserole … right up my alley …

  55. Size doesn’t matter to me, one of those rullers would be very nice in whaterver size. Great giveaway and better recipe.

  56. Jen said

    Cute post and thank you for the recipe sharing! I am hungry. Need to pause the blog reading and go have some breakfast!

  57. Janice Brooks said

    Looks like you had a really fun rime with these rulers! Can’t wait till I have the money to get a couple. Your cheese spread sounds delish! definitely going to have to try it!

  58. Mary said

    What a fun post! I’ve been to Detroit once, but missed many of the sites you showed. Thanks for a fun giveaway.

  59. Marg McCulloch said

    Thanks for the fun pix and the recipes. I am definitely making that spread. Stone wheat crackers are our favorite at this house!! I would love to win the rulers or your delicious pack of fat 1/4’s. Thanks for playing this crazy hop!!

  60. dawn said

    Thanks for a fun post and trip around Detroit.
    That rotary cutter is a hoot!
    thanks for being part of this great giveaway!

  61. Cara said

    Enjoyed the post a lot! Snickering enough times that DH came over to check!
    That Tomato Casserole looks right up his alley too!

  62. Sue Bennett said

    Thanks for the laughs. Size does matter.

  63. Mary ann said

    Hmmm I believe Monica’s marshmallows are bigger than yours. Spread sounds wonderful, if you like green olives and cheese etc go to the Pioneer Woman and look up her Olive Cheese bread…fabulous! And I would so love these rulers.

  64. Amy said

    Very amusing. I can only imagine how long it took you to put this whole post together!

  65. Mary C said

    Great to start the Morning with comedy! No wonder Pat warned us of “Trouble”. Triple Trouble. Please put my name in to WIN!

  66. Donna said

    Thanks for the receipe – my theory is anything with olives and cheese is Fab! The rulers have me intrigued. Happy blog hopping!

  67. Kathy H said

    I am enjoying seeing everything measured. We have family in Detroit so that was extra fun today. My daughter would love all the orange fabrics. No wonder she likes the fall and halloween quilts the best. thanks for a fun morning.

  68. Patricia said

    Great job on measuring your fun day! It put a smile on my face, see? 🙂

  69. Debbie Gallett said

    Loved the blog. The recipes sound great, especially the vegy casserole. The fabric line is super yummy.

  70. Nan S. said

    What a clever post! This is the first time I’ve seen your blog, and I really enjoyed it.

  71. Dolores said

    Great Post! LOL.
    The recipe for tomato vegetable casserole sounds great!
    Have a great day!

  72. Gill watson said

    I’m feeling AMP’d out after that post – Loved it!!

  73. Judy C in NC said

    Very funny post – you made my recipe file. Love your musings.

  74. Mystica said

    First time on your blog. Love the post. Tks for the giveaway – I read it first as color therapy and thought how apt!!!

  75. Sequana said

    Those rulers look GREAT out in the wild!

  76. This is so funny. I love how you all are doing this with the rulers. Love it. Thanks for the give away!

  77. Cindy in TN said

    Love this post. And the rulers!

  78. Marjorie said

    What a bold color choice for a quilt from the 90’s. Mine are all Mauve & Slate Blue.

  79. Lynda M said

    What a fun blog. I love the pictures with the ruler. The recipes sound delicious. I would love to win the rulers. They really look great.
    Also love the fat quarters.
    Can’t wait to try the recipes.
    Thanks for being part.

  80. Pat from MN said

    Very creative minds to measure the areas that you live.

  81. Paula L. said

    This is a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  82. These rulers sound awesome! 🙂

  83. Fun photographs…looks like you had a great adventure! I’m sure I won’t get around to all the blogs to enter the draw for the rulers, but I’d love to win your draw for the fab fabric!

  84. Cassy said

    Great morning read. Loved to see how Detroit measured up in Tiny Team Amp’s eyes. Can’t wait to get my hands on these rulers and that luscious fabric. grin, grin, drool, drool.

  85. Diane said

    Thank you, Tiny Team AMP-ed 2, for the pictorial and specifically-measured tour of your City! What a beautiful and varied place to live – looks wonderful!

    Thank you for the recipes too – you’re making me hungry!

  86. ruth bryant said

    Loved reading your post. Really brightened my day which in CT is rainy and grey. Clever idea to measure the sights in the city- especially loved the mushroom and marshmallow forest!

  87. Monica said

    Thanks for sharing a little bit of Detroit with the rest of us. It looks like it would be an interesting place to visit.

  88. Darlene B said

    What great pictures of these rulers! I would love to win them (and the fabric, too!)

  89. Lynn said

    I can’t wait to try your tomato vegetable casserole! Love the fabrics, the rulers certainly seem to measure up, and I am having a great time finding new (for me) blogs on this blog hop! Will be visiting you again!

  90. Lynn said

    The rulers do seem to measure up; I’ll definitely try your recipes. Thanks for participating in this fun blog hop.

  91. cornbreadandbeansquilting said

    Great to see a fellow Michigander on the Ruler blog hop!
    Thanks for the yummy recipes!

  92. Lee Ann L. said

    I love this post! It’s humorous. And, thanks for the recipes.

  93. yvonne said

    Thanks for sharing the sights of Detroit. Great giveaway!

  94. Maureen said

    Really NEED the rulers, and the recipes sound great.

  95. corina c said

    That rotary cutter is something else! At least it went well with the colors in your quilt! Thank you for the recipes, they sound delicious.

  96. Shelley C said

    Another measuring post…you AMP girls certainly have high energy. Love that top fabric in orange and green in the bundle…yeah…drooling…

  97. Tricia said

    Mmmm, cheese spread. That one looks good. Love the mini marshmallow pic. And thanks for the additional giveaway.

  98. Kyle R said

    Thanks for the delightful post as well as the yummy recipes.

  99. Susannah said

    Great recipe and fabric! Your near first quilt is quite colourful and graphic so while quilting fabrics have radically changed your top still has your fingerprint…

  100. Angela said

    Those rulers look awesome. I’m eyeing the 16.5″ square, especially!

  101. pam said

    what a fun hop this is.
    I love seeing all the first time quilts. You can tell the ‘era’ they were made by the color choices.
    Your recipes sound wonderful. can’t wait to try them

    Great idea on the rulers. Cutting blades are so expensive and don’t stay sharp long

  102. sharonj said

    Boy the marshmellow are really moving around the States! Thank you for recipes, must make the cheese spread. And a big thank you for hosting in the ruler give away! Sharonj.

  103. pam said

    Cutest Amp team member ever.

  104. Debbie Lou said

    Loved your post today. Very creative. And your recipes are on my list. Yum! Thanks for sharing!

  105. Pauline said

    Gotta love this blog hop. Lots of laughs, great pictures and fabulous recipes.

    Keep up the good work ladies!!!!!!!!!

  106. Mary Ellen said

    What a unique way to ‘measure up’! It’s so nice to see new sites and their interests on quilting.

  107. Jamie said

    Ok now I’m hungry too! I love that blue, black and white quilt! How pretty! Thanks for sharing!

  108. Michelle said

    I’m printing out the casserole recipe right now. That sounds really really good. I love the colors in the color theory pack, so pretty and cheery. Thanks for the recipes!

  109. Shawntel said

    OK–10:30 here and my stomach is growling after your recipes! Love the fat quarter bundle–definitely has a “fall” appeal to it even. Thanks for the wonderful entertainment this morning!

  110. Peggy W. said

    Love the great fabric and the great pics of the rulers. Very fun. Thank you for the giveaway.

  111. Pat said

    Those rulers really bring the world down to size! Love your entry. Thanks for the chance to win!

  112. Debi said

    I am loving the pictures on these blogs! The marshmallows look yummy! The fabrics are so beautiful and fall-like, I would love them.

  113. Jenni said

    Loved your post, such fun! Thanks for the chance to win!

  114. Ruth B said

    Too funny…love the measurements. Again with the marshmallows? LOL The recipes look like they were written for my hubby. I will share them with him since he loves to cook. Thanks! Love the rulers, by the way.

  115. Ann said

    Great post. Thanks for the chance to win the fat quarters.

  116. Janet said

    What a fun post. I’m sure that ruler had alot of fun too. Laughs and good recipes–what more could I want————–RULERS!! The Color Therapy would be nice too. Thanks so much for the hop.

  117. Jill said

    All your photo are my hometown!!! Would love to win these rulers

  118. Angie Smith said

    Cute post~Ive never seen detroit. loving these rulers more as I hop along the blogs. Thanks for the chance to win that fabric too~love it!

  119. Judy in Michigan said

    What a surprise to see Detroit landmarks in your measuring excursion. Great recipes and who knew you started out Amish!! Thanks for the opportunity to get in the drawing. I’ll be back!!

  120. Joan said

    Thanks for the tour–I have everything to try your veggie recipe as have end of garden zucchini, tomatoes, peppers and onions to use up. To bad I can’t add pears to it. Our tree had around 25 bushel on it this year. All the neighbors hide when they see me coming because they think I am bringing more pears. grin Hope to see some of the new rulers at the AQS show in Des Moines next week. I get to go for all 4 days.

  121. great post, great measurements. thanks for the the blog hop!

  122. Vickie said

    That was my first rotary cutter too-still the original blade. I have added many more since then. Thanks for the great hop and recipes!

  123. Janet said

    I love the posts, recipes and of course the giveaway! Thank you..

  124. Ruthie said

    Looks like you had great time measuring up! Your recipes look yummy too.

  125. Regena said

    I think you had too much fun with this post.

  126. annie said

    I loved your post. What a funny writer YOU are. Thanks.
    These rulers are looking so amazing. I want to try one out.

  127. polly said

    I am going to try the cheese spread this weekend. Sounds yummy! Thanks for the chance at the giveway!
    Good Luck to all of us!

  128. Birdena said

    Thanks for the enjoyable read and being part of Pat’s blog hop, It is a lot of fun. I am definately going to try the recipes.

  129. I enjoyed seeing things from my state. I am from Deford up in the thumb. It is the middle of nowhere. I would love to have even one of those rulers.

  130. HeyJudee said

    OMG, I can’t believe someone else had the same rotary cutter as I started with. Only mine was purple! I’m definitely gonna try your horseradish-olive-cheese spread. I grow and make my own horseradish…so gotta try this. Thanks and I sure hope I win those rulers or the bundle!

  131. Kare in OH said

    loved your post – I had to get something to eat too!

  132. […] Amy – […]

  133. knittyk8 said

    Love it – now I need to find something for breakfast!

  134. Brenda Lewis said

    These rulers sure can measure about anything, thats the best part, so sad your first quilt has frayed away, thanks for the chance to win, see ya from Utah

  135. Sandi said

    Love your measuring photos. Very clever! The rulers look awesome and I would love to win them but if not……they’re on my “must buy” list. 🙂

  136. Joni M. said

    Love the Color Theory fabric! Both recipes sounds very good, will definitely be trying those.

  137. KT said

    Love all your measuring and looking forward to trying your casserole. Thanks for the chance to win!

  138. carolynw said

    The blog hop has been a blast and you are a hoot! The recipes today sound so very yummy….I might actually do some cooking! And I LOVE the color theory fabrics! Thanks for being part of the blog hop!

  139. Winona said

    Your 4 patch on point is pretty. Love your take on the rulers. Thanks for the recipes. Those are very pretty fabrics in your giveaway. Winona

  140. Anett Redding said

    Great Blog…thanks for participating in it….love the recipes and the extra chance to win some fabric.

    My best,


  141. Denise Shaw said

    Recipes are GREAT! and your pictures are so clever.

  142. Shellie said

    Size matters….. Love that bundle. Recipe sounds amazing. I will have to try it out.

  143. Cory said

    This is a wonderful Hop. I am enjoying getting to know new to me bloggers. Thank you. Take care and God bless, Cory

  144. Sue said

    Thanks for the giggle! Quilters are SO creative. You’re great to add the fabric bundle to a drawing, thanks so much.

  145. robin said

    :o) Love the pics. Those giant marshmallows are really quite something. ;o) Who knew?

  146. Donna Joy said

    Ohhh I love your owl, I want to make one. Lovin this blog hop, thanks for the giveaway,I’m loving the recipes to.

  147. VickiT said

    Love how all of you today are out on the town measuring things. I would love to know the comments from people seeing you do that. LOL

    That sounds like a great recipe. Thank you.

  148. Kathy said

    Thanks for the recipe and chance for the giveaway.

  149. Cindy said

    The measuring is sure a lot of fun with the new rulers. Thanks for being part of a great give away.

  150. Donna~~ said

    Fun fun! Great post and a great start to my day–you really know how to get the best from a ruler!

  151. Debbie said

    First time to visit your blog, so much fun. Mount Shasta is in my front yard, I think I’ll go out and measure away!!

  152. Hilarious post Amy (and team AMP-ed). I especially love the fist shot!! I’m pretty sure I’m not going to make it to all of the blogs to comment, so I’ll take my chances here with your lovely fabric stack! Cheers!

  153. Looks like you had tons of fun measuring!

  154. Nancy B from Many LA said

    Those rulers really do measure well = and hold up to the elements!

  155. AnnieO said

    What a versatile ruler, measuring everything everywhere! Too funny.

    So you were trouble from day one in quilting class? Hmm, might have seen that coming….

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  156. Linda said


  157. Patti Adams said

    Fantastic measuring!! Can’t wait to try the rulers!! A lot of us have fond memories of our first Eleanor Burns quilts.

  158. Bobbie23nc said

    Wish I had these rulers already, I need to do some measuring.

  159. JudyG said

    Fun to see all that measured up in your area. I have to try this in my city.
    Thanks for the chance to win the rulers and/or fabric.

  160. Francine A Warren said

    I am so loving all of this measuring up! So much fun, we get to see so many other parts of the country right from our own quilting studios! Yeah! Love all of these ideas! Thanks for sharing & blogging along!

  161. Jill said

    Great post. The roasted veggies and dip sound so good. Love the rulers. Sure would like to win!

  162. Holly said

    It would be great to win the rulers. Looks like you guys have a lot of fun with them! lol

  163. Sharon S said

    I need to visit here more often. Thanks for the give away & yummy recipes!

  164. joscelyn said

    That casserole sounds delicious, and I’ve been looking for more vegetarian casseroles. I also love the fabric, I have a stack of fabric that I haven’t quite decided what pattern to do with yet, but these fabrics would match mine perfectly

  165. niki said

    mmm, i love horseradish anything! 🙂
    love the pics~crackup. thanks for enterin me…niki

  166. Melissa said

    Love the marshmallow forest. Too cute!
    Thanks for the extra giveaway. Love the colors in that fabric.

  167. Bonnie said

    thanks for a wonderful trip around town and your helper is so cute…

  168. Karen in Breezy Point said

    Yummy recipes–thanks! Would love to win the rulers too.
    Karen in Breezy Point

  169. Oh my soul I enjoyed your post today, what an imagination. I love being part of the HOP and it is introducing me to lots of new and interesting Blogs!!

  170. Marcia Gilbreath said

    Hey,with Pat’s rulers, now you can use that old rotary cutter again, without changing the blade! How cool is that??

  171. Pat Nordahl said

    Yes size matters – and @ 4’9″ I am one who should know that well. Great post thanks for the tour of Detroit.

  172. Leslie Sorenson said

    Aren’t first quilts fun? They keep us humble. Rulers keep us accurate. Can I win?

  173. Like Monica…you have great pictures showcasing that ruler …. please count me in on the giveaway ;o)

  174. ~Michelle~ said

    You AMP ladies are crack-ups…but then again, I’m sure you knew that! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  175. Karen in Tucson said

    I love all the measuring! When I win (or buy a ruler) I will measure my saguaro cacti.

  176. Liz A. said

    LOL! I’m afraid your marshmallows don’t measure up to the Happy Zombie’s……

  177. Carol said

    You really do measure up! And those rulers! And those fat quarters you are giving away! Oh my!

  178. Jeanna Waller said

    Cant to try the cheese spread! Would love to measure up my quilting room!

  179. Amy said

    Have I died and gone to heaven? Three of my must-read blogs AMPed on a hop! Winning the rulers or FQs would be icing on the cake! Actually, between your horseradish-olive-cheese spread and Monica’s dill TS, I’m going to be eating good this weekend!

  180. Diane F said

    What fun pictures. Oh and I am drooling over this fabric.

  181. Julia said

    Wonderful fall fabric…hope to win.

  182. Linda said

    Oh my Gosh I want those rulers—-and thanks for the recipes…..

  183. Shirley in Canada said

    Your blog more than “measured up”.
    Those FQ’s would make wonder little gadget bags!! And the rulers would help cut them up just perfect 🙂
    Thanks for the site-seeing… the only way I get to travel is through the eyes of others and this trip was great!

  184. susan said

    I love these posts! But I love those fabrics more – I don’t think I own one piece of fabric that remotely resembles orange. And roasted veggies – divine!

  185. Sally said

    Your post is so funny! Love the fabric bundle, and the vegetable casserole recipe sounds great.

  186. cori said

    Thanks for the photos, never been to Detroit. Also thanks for the giveaway, this falloween is fun. I never did one before. Thanks

  187. Linda said

    Great stories! Just what I need…another blog to read! This hop is adding to my reader for sure! Love the fabric. Thanks for participating.

  188. Kyra said

    Whew! Gotta try those recipes! Happy Blog Hoppin’ to ya!

  189. Mary Beth said

    Tomatoes sound good, but I’ll skip the olives.

  190. Nancy Sue Phillips said

    Thank you for participating in this blog tour and adding your own giveaway touch. Love the color of the fabrics. Especially the top piece in the photo, of the “pumpkin” color.

  191. SuzK said

    Another good giggle … and those marshmallows again! It’s good that Detroit also measured up!

  192. I like fabric. I’ve never seen that brand before.

  193. Kay M. said

    Would love to win the rulers & the fabric. I can think of alot of fall projects they would be pretty in.

  194. carmel said

    great post!
    thanks for the super giveaway!!!

  195. cheri Schwind said

    Great recipes! I did one of those 1st Eleanor quilts too. Practice makes perfect!!

  196. Betsy Lynn said

    Haha..very funny post!
    Thanks for the chance to win..rulers AND fabric…how great!

  197. Chris said

    I am finding these rulers very intriguing so I hope I win a set.

  198. Diane Young said

    That was a fun post-thanks for the tour! Hope I can win me some rulers!

  199. Loris said

    Well, you had me with the casserole recipe but then wow! those beautiful fat quarters. Add rulers to that mix and I’ll think I won the lottery 🙂
    Great post! and good luck to everyone!

  200. Patricia L. said

    These rulers would add a great measure of joy to my birthday Monday!

  201. Julie in WA said

    I have to try your recipe; it looks delicious! LOve the post with all the rulers touring the town!

  202. cathy payne said

    Wow who wouldnt be AMPed up after t hat entry. I think I agotta get me some of those rulers. Cant wait to try your recipies! Nurse Payne

  203. Thanks for the sightseeing tour! And I LOVE those fabrics – thanks for the chance!

  204. lisa said

    did you and Pam plan this?

    Also how did you get into trouble? that quilt looks wonderful! Not my color palate but still striking and cool!

  205. kim said

    Awesome giveaway. I love the giant marshmallows.

  206. Karen said

    You are toooo creative. What a great post. Love the RK fabric. Would love to be the lucky one!

  207. deborah said

    What a fun way to show off both the rulers and points of interest in your city!

  208. Billie K said

    LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL…fun post. I would love to win the rulers and the fat quarters. Thanks for having the giveaway.

  209. QuiltSue said

    What a fun post. The rulers, the recipes and the fabric all look wonderful and I’m dribbling all over my keyboard!

  210. kathleen c in ct said

    I love the sizes of these rulers-how wonderful they would be to use! Thanks for your tour and your recipe.

  211. Leslie Schmidt said

    I can see why you three fireballs constitute team AMP-ed. You’re all delightfully goofy AND great quilters. Thanks for the tour of Detroit. And I’m definitely going to make that spread recipe!

  212. Deb A said

    Love the pictures. Thanks for the chance to win!

  213. busymom said

    Here for day four of the this blog hop giveaway. Finding some great recipes and fun blogs. Thanks.

  214. Erica said

    Great post! I loved how you took to the streets and measured Detroit!

  215. Laurie said

    How much fun Team Amp’d is having with the rulers. Just proves that I need a set to have fun with, too.

  216. LouAnn said

    Love the rulers! Thanks for the chance to win!

  217. Jennifer said

    Team Amp’d rules! Thanks so much for the morning laughs. And the drool-worth recipes!

  218. Beverly Atkins said

    You and the Happy Zombie are a hoot. Love the change up in posts. Would love a chance to measure something myself! Thanks for a chance to win!

  219. Deborah said

    Love the rulers, but REALLY love the top fabric in the fat quarter set of Color Theory by Sandra Banava. Is it yummy, or what??? Love it….dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

  220. Rita said

    I really enjoyed your fun post! The recipes look great, can’t wait to try them.

  221. Agnes Wong said

    The fat quarter set looks delicious! all you gals are hilarious!

  222. Linda said

    Good Morning. I so enjoyed your blog post today. So many fun things in your city to see and do! And of course I love Pat’s rulers. I would love to win and keep one and pass the rest round to my quilting friends. Thanks so much for having another give-a-way, How totally sweet of you! They are such pretty fabrics. And yes I would love to win those too!!

  223. Tressa said

    What a fun adventure those rulers took.

  224. Barb Colvin said

    One would need to wear protective gear to use that rotary cutter :-0 Both of your recipes sound yummy–can you hear my stomach growling in anticipation?

  225. Judy in Idaho said

    Hi you crazy three, you all are a riot. Love your blog. Your first quilt is really
    nice i must say. good recipes. great rulers and beautful fatquarter pacXXOO

  226. Phyllis said

    You are too funny. Thanks for the recipes. Phyllis

  227. Garilyn said

    Great post and nice almost first quilt!
    Thanks for adding a giveaway of your own!
    blessed.mama4 at

  228. sndy1 said

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  229. love the fabrics you are giving away. The recipes look wonderful. And you are making me hungry

  230. Great pics! Love that giant fist!!

  231. Marcia W. said

    Thanks for the recipes (I pass to my mother who does our cooking). I would measure the distance from one traffic signal to another in the closest town. Whoops! There is only one traffic signal. Guess must win a set so can measure my fabric for cutting out a new quilt. Thanks for the blog hop and the extra FQ prize. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  232. I’m loving all the things getting measured! Very clever.

  233. Betty said

    I have lots of things to measure here in Utah when I when the neat rulers.
    Your receipe sounds wonderful, I love vegetables.

  234. Deb S. said

    Oh, the olive spread sounds good!

    Deb S.

  235. Joan Blum said

    The rulers sound extremely “versatile” and awesome — would love to win some. And I’m now hungry too — the recipes sound fabulous. Thanks for sharing.

  236. Cindy said

    Love the fat quarters that some lucky winner will win.

  237. Kathleen B said

    Who knew measuring everything could be so much fun? And I see a marshmallow theme building. Hmmmm…anyway, thanks for the great blog hop and please include me in the drawing. Thankful~Threads ~Kathleen

  238. krisgray said

    great tour – thamks for the recipes

  239. Maryellen said

    Too cute, measuring so many things, and your early quilts. Thanks for the chance to win, and love the fabric choice, too. I could use a good way to measure!

  240. Leah said

    Absolutely awesome. Love your early quilt and your original rotary cutter…

  241. I would love to win the rulers and the fat quarters, thanks for the opportunity.

  242. Kim Bates said

    Oh my! I will definitely try that veggie dish! It sounds so yummy! This Blog-Hop will be so fun and I really need those rulers, too! My blade is needing a good sharpening! Thanks!

  243. Very fun post!~ it must’ve taken days to get all those photo’s! Thanks for the fun!

  244. oleqwilter said

    love the measuring demo. I may have to go out and see how my town “measures up” THanks for the post. THe fabric for the give away is wonderful too…..

  245. Tamie said

    Thanks for participating. The fabric is lovely.

  246. LindaW said

    Both of your recipes sound so good! Thanks for a chance to win.

  247. Kathie L said

    You’ve done a great job of showing how these rulers measure up. Anything that keeps my blades sharp is a good thing. Kathie L in Allentown

  248. JoAnne said

    I think that roasted vegetable dish will measure up to the highest standard. Sounds delicious.

  249. Debbie said

    Cute pictures! Glad you like the rulers. 🙂 Those Sandra Banava fat quarters are so bold. Orange is my favorite color. Thanks for counting me in.

  250. SueWis said

    Fun post! And I am definitely making that horseradish spread, yum!

  251. Alice R. said

    Yeahhhhh! A chance for fun even though I’m not home to make every blog… I love those fabrics, and can’t wait to try the rulers. They look very clear and easy to read. Thank you for the giveaway.

  252. Judith Hogan said

    Measuring is fun. Especially if you had the new Edge rulers by Pat Sloan. Hope I win some, then I can have fun measuring too! Love the horseradish-olive-cheese spread recipe. I’m going to try it for Thanksgiving dinner next weekend (Canadian).

  253. Laura sw said

    Just love the Size does not Matter. It’s funny to see all the different pictures.
    Alos love the fat quarters, they look yummy!

  254. Chelley Black said

    Love the cute pictures you took. And those FQ’s … OMG Gorgeous!

    I ordered a ruler yesterday. Can’t wait to try it out!

  255. sewjournal said

    The colours of those fabrics are so rich. Beautiful. Still have my fingers crossed re the rulers.
    Just so you can see that I am the same person who has posted elsewhere I have used the Name Munaiba and the url

  256. Melinda said

    You guys are cracking me up with your measuring! My first quilt is officially a UFO. The top is done but every time I look at it I can’t bear the thought of finishing it!

  257. rebecca said

    These edge rulers are the bomb!!! Please enter me in!!

  258. Lovie Ball said

    Thanks for showing us your “Almost First Quilt” and sharing your recipes. I like anything with Horseradish, will change it just a little (grate a purple onion and add just a touch of garlic). Can relate to still handquilting early quilt. My first quilt had stitches at the end that looked more like basting stitching. LOL

  259. Laine said

    I don’t think I would mind measuring so much if I had a set of those new rulers. Keeping my fingers crossed!

  260. Dana said

    Tea dyed muslin and lipstick coral, really? I’d love to see a picture of that.

  261. Cecilia said

    I enjoyed the pictures of Detroit. I would love to visit one day. Thanks for the giveaway, the colors look great. I would also love to win the set of rulers.

  262. I’ve never thought about using quilting rulers to measure up buildings and things!

  263. Bette Gove said

    MMMM Yummy sounding recipies. Thanks for sharing the pics.

    and your quilt story.

  264. wbotw39 said

    That’s so clever of you girls to get together like this. All of your posts ARE measuring up.!

  265. Sandy N. said

    Two yummy sounding recipes! Thanks!

  266. Linda said

    I love those ruler pictures…and I LOVE that fabric…yummy!

  267. Wendy said

    Your recipe for the spread looks great. I’ll have to give that one a try. Cute pics, looks like you had a blast taking those. Thanks for hosting the extra fabric giveaway too…lovely!

  268. Lil said

    I love everything about this post and maybe ……… I get the rulers

  269. You RULE!! Love the bundle of goodness and the rulers look fantastic!! thanks for the chance to win!

  270. Jean said

    Loved seeing the things you “measured”. And your recipes look yummy!

  271. Deb G in VA said

    Great post! Thanks for a chance to win the rulers!

  272. Susan Webb said

    Nice measurements! It’s like seeing a new-to-you city through the eyes of another quilter!

  273. aspenhill said

    Somehow I think that today’s rulers need to be calibrated! How can a giant marshmallow be the same size as Joe Louis’s fist???

    Pick me!!!

  274. Joanna said

    Very funny pictures. And very nice of you to also have a fabric giveaway. If I win the rulers I hope I’m not overcome by the need to measure everything I see:)

  275. Tong said

    mmm marshmallows… ok now i have to run to the grocery store to get some, lol! those rulers look awesome!

  276. SheilaC said

    Thank you for a wonderful post and yummy recipes!


  277. Patty said

    Amusing post. The rulers look really cool as do the fabrics.

  278. S. said


  279. Sheila S said

    What a fun blog! Loved the Detroit pictures-you got around! Got to try the cheese spread-my kind of recipe-EASY! And the orange fabric-that’s pretty cool too. Now if I could just win those rulers-I’d be on top of the world!

  280. Jean Carpenter said

    OK, that was a great story. I am so impressed (and in awe of) everyone I have visited. You my dear have such wit….LOVE IT! Whatever the outcome of this journey, I have been blessed to add your blog to my collection which I will now visit regularly…Oh yes, I am making thecasserole this weekend with veggies grown in my garden.

  281. Carol in E TN said

    Loved your post! Sure would love to win these rulers!

  282. Linda said

    I haven’t been in Detroit for many, many years – used to live in Utica – but I still knew it when I saw the pics.

  283. Gretchen said

    Very clever post!!!! I loved seeing the “actual size” of my old stomping grounds up north. Now I wish I had a coney…

  284. Sandy A said

    Thanks for the laughs! And love the fabrics in the FQ bundle! Thanks for the chance to win them!

  285. Louise said

    What a creative use of buildings in your photos! Your fabric is great, too.

  286. Jane said

    Thanks for the “size matters” tour. Lots of fun! New recipes, new rulers and a new blog to follow. Thanks!

  287. Amy C said

    Cute spin on measurements!

  288. Linda said

    It has been so much fun to see all of the places you’ve measured – thanks for the “tour”!

  289. Liliana Bronstein said

    I really liked your pictures and made me very funny .. You think that size matters? The best perfumes come in small packages … but also poisons ja.ja. ja .. … Thanks for the chance win these incredible rules … ohh … your fabrics are great .. it so beautiful colors!
    Kisses fron Buenos Aires-Argentina. Lily

  290. julie love said

    This post brought a smile to my face! Loved the really close up views of the rulers. I really, really want them! They look terrific and how smart are they? Wow! Thanks for the chance to win them!

  291. nice fqs this blog hop was a great idea.
    Melisa Bakos Canada

  292. thegoose said

    very cute tour. one day I will have to visit your town.
    I love both of these giveawaya! thanks for sweetening the pot. 🙂

  293. Carol said

    Thanks for sharing your city! and your first quilt and your recipe and the opportunity to win those fabulous rulers!!

  294. Jenice said

    Would love to win!!! Thanks for sharing.

  295. Karin said

    OK, I’m AMP’ed!! Thanks for showing how Detroit & its landmarks measure up. Can’t wait to hear I’ve won the rulers!

  296. Mary said

    I’m ready for a road trip after seeing your post.

  297. Karin said

    OK, I’m AMP’ed! Thanks for showing how Detroit measures up! Can’t wait to win those rulers!

  298. Sandy S said

    Thanks for a great blog. nice seeing each place measured.

  299. Beth said

    Cute blog!!! Love the Fat Quarters!!
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  300. Janet Best said

    Love the pictures and your fun commentary. Thanks for the recipes and the giveaway!

  301. Jackie Hicks said

    You guys are just too entertaining! What fun blogs – I’ll be back to check up on what you gals are up to!

  302. Thanks for sharing the fun day you had and the great recipes~

  303. Carla said

    LOL Two blog posts about measuring the city and marshmallows. Loved it. Gorgeous quilt.

  304. Debbie said

    What fun measuring the immeasurable!
    I plan to take measure of the horseradish-olive-cheese spread and the tomato vegetable casserole.
    Sandra Banava’s Color Theory fabrics are yummy looking too.
    Thanks for all the “yummys”
    Debbie in WA

  305. belinda said

    Cute post girl……I enjoyed reading ALL of it!!!

  306. Diane said

    I would love to win – thanks for the chance.

  307. SoozeM said

    Very cool photos, I love the one of the fist!! Tea die and coral doesn’t sound *that* bad…. 🙂

  308. Jenniffier said

    Too fun. Thanks for the chance to win.

  309. Patricia R Campion said

    I must say – VERY cute little girl!
    Please enter me in the ruler giveaway!

  310. Amy R (Galesburg IL) said

    We all have those “first” quilts! And it’s interesting to see how our color preferences change.

  311. Mary Jordan said

    I didn’t know that marshmellows grew under a toadstool….How cool is that?

  312. delia said

    I also like the marshmallow measuring!

  313. Jan in TN said

    I laughed all the way through your blog! Thanks for a late night laugh. Hope I will win the rulers as well as the fabric….oh well, one prize would be enough. 🙂

  314. Deb said

    I’ve never been to your blog before, but I’m glad I’m here now. I enjoyed your post! i’d love to win that set of rulers! But I’d REALLY love to win that fat bundle you’re giving away!!

  315. I love that you took measure of your city, and took us on a tour of your hometown! Great job, looks like you had a great time too! Thanks for entertainment and recipes, Loved your blue, black and white quilt, great colors! Thanks for being a part of this great blog hop and donating a super stack!!!!, love it!

  316. Jan said

    Great way to show off the rulers. Loved the size comparisons.

  317. janita said

    We are getting a BIG kick out of all the fun posts for the blog hop.
    Thank you all for participating. Wouldn’t we all like a set of the rulers…raise your hand and say I Do!

  318. Jackie Ro. said

    Gosh, I’m self-taught via Eleanor Burns’ books….guess this makes us kinda ‘quilting-sisters’?!
    Fun fotos & story, yummy food and loved your orangish, pinkish fat quarter giveaway!
    Take care 🙂

  319. Maeve said

    I would love to win this fabric!

  320. Prissy said

    I am pretty amped about these rulers myself! Got my fingers crossed!

  321. Hannele said

    Fun and original way of presenting the rulers 🙂 Thanks for a great giveaway!

  322. thunder said

    I could get very amp ed about measuring, when I win those rulers, and the lovely fabrics you are giving !! 🙂 thanks

  323. These would come in handy for my new quilt I’m planning!!! I’m super excited 🙂 thanks for the chance!!

  324. Julee said

    What a clever way to use the rulers…….having fun hopping.

  325. Ann said

    Darn, I know I need more room for my sewing stuff, but now I am worried that I will not be able to fit the rulers in the house! Thanks for a fun post!

  326. Shruti said

    i’d love to win some rulers… i’m keeping my fingers crossed…

  327. Joanna said

    Mmm I wasn’t hungry until I read your recipes. Now I want to eat that casserole right now! Also, I love the colors in your first quilt. Beautiful.

  328. Grace said

    Thanks for wonderful post … 🙂

  329. Kylie said

    Inch worm, inch worm, measuring the marigolds! – ’bout the only thing that wasn’t measured! Fun post and do like the colours in the Early quilt.

  330. Pam said

    your post reminded me of the state fair in MN where I grew up! Giant slide…SO fun!

  331. Rose Leschinsky said

    Love the photo! Only quilters can get the true humour in them. And love the fabric. Would love to see how IT measures up in one of my quilts.

  332. I love those fat quarters. So fun! Your pictures made me laugh, especially the giant fist!

  333. Silvia said

    Your pictures are very funny! I would love to win these rulers… Please count me in!

  334. DebbieKL said

    Fun! Love the marshmallows. Sorry your first quilt is a goner though. 😦
    The Horseradish-Olive-Cheese Spread sounds great!

  335. Judy said

    Great post! I love the pictures of Detroit – although the Ren Cen looked quite a bit bigger last night when I drove by it 🙂 There must have been some Miracle Gro in that last rain we had 🙂
    Thanks for the recipes too!

  336. Dawn said

    Love your measurements, and hope to win the rulers so I can take measurements here in MN!

  337. I ,love how all three of 9/30’s blog entries gave us a picture/visit using those great rulers! Thanks for sharing!

  338. Gloria J W said

    I love this blog hop as Iget to see places in America!!!! Wahooo!!! Thanks for being so generous with that gorgeous material, and it goes without saying that I really want to measure things with those rulers as well. Smiles from sunny Queensland

  339. Sara said

    Measured up for me! Thank you for the giveaway!!

  340. Judy said

    For sure…it was a great measure up. Thanks for the giveaway.

  341. Gitte A. said

    REally enjoyed reading your post. I will have to come back soon 🙂

  342. Linda Dalton said

    Love the blog and the pics…but really loved the recipes! I will be trying out both of these. That spread sounds like it would be good stuffed in celery too!

  343. Christine said

    Those pics are great, very creative!

    And I recognize some of my favourite fabrics in that bundle, fingers crossed! It’s so exciting to enter a give-away, because there’s that little chance I might win 🙂

  344. Mary Ellen said

    Yes I can see size does matter! Enjoyed the tour.

  345. Carrie P. said

    Fun photos. Wow, a vintage rotary cutter.

  346. Both recipes sound awesomely wonderful. Will definitely have to try out for our Fat Sunday dinner!

  347. Sharon said

    I hope I can win the rulers so I can measure like you did. This is a fun blog hop.

  348. Mandy said

    This is so fun blog hopping but I’m not getting much done. lol, thanks for the give aways, those fabrics look so yummy!

  349. Meri said

    Loved taking your tour! Good times…and thanks for the great recipes. I’d LOVE to win a set of those rulers…or the fabric…thanks for a chance!

  350. Kaye M. said

    The recipes sound delicious, I can see that I’m going to gain a few pounds from all these new great recipes! The rulers look wonderful, what a clever idea. Thanks for the fabric give away too.

  351. Sharon said

    I am SEW ready to make that dip recipe! I enjoyed the tour of measuring Detroit.

  352. Pamela said

    Your pictures make me want to make a trip to Detroit to check it out. Well, I was there at the airport for an hour or so a few years ago, but it wasn’t such an adventure!

  353. Kathy MacKie said

    Thanks for everything-the giveaway is great!

  354. Sheryl said

    My first blog-hop and already I’m addicted! Where has the day gone??
    Lovely give away and delightful blog…thank you!

  355. Kristen said

    Really cute. Seriously… if I won I would measure the Strip in Vegas for you!! Thanks for the lols!

  356. Janet Platzer said

    love your blog and pictures!

  357. vicki said

    what a fun post! thanks,

  358. Thank you for doing such a great giveaway!

  359. I really want to win those rulers 🙂 !

  360. Cynthia said

    Love the measuring adventure! What a great idea. And now I’m going to see marshmallows everywhere. 🙂


  361. karie said

    I would need a snack too after a day like that. Great quilt story.

    kbsteuber at yahoo dot com

  362. […] Amy – […]

  363. Wendy said

    Thank you for sharing the sites of Detroit in such a fun and fabulous way! Truly measures up!!

  364. Bec Clarke said

    Mmmm that casserole sounds amazing, thanks for the extra chance to win. Very generous.

  365. Wow….that casserole sounds great! I think I know what I’ll make for lunch today! Thank you!

    Vanessa in Oklahoma

  366. Jennifer said

    What a a fun post. The fabrics are beautiful.

  367. Elaine said

    What great recipes you shared! May just try the vegetable one for Thanksgiving…always try a new recipe among the old family favorites at Thanksgiving! Love the fabric you have added to the giveaway! What a great idea to have the sharpening edge added to side of rulers and love the easy to read markings.

  368. Pam Simpson said

    I love your pictures and the recipes sound great!

  369. Sara said

    Great Post! I can’t wait to try one or both of the recipes…

  370. What a fun looking soda shop!

  371. Mimi said

    I love this blog-hopping and thank goodness because I would never have bumped into you! Did anyone tell you that you are a riot??!! Looking forward to future posts. Oh! Thanks for the chance to win some awesome giveaways too!

  372. Vicki quilternp said

    updating my ID so all are the same on this hop

  373. Barb said

    Why am I seeing marshmallows?? Those rulers look so tempting and you are so entertaining!!

  374. Rori Jensen said

    Love the marshmallows in the Playmobil field of mushrooms. I NEED to get that set…never mind that my boys are 22 and 19. Thanks for the opportunity to win some great rulers. Thanks also for the tour of Detroit.

  375. Loved the fall colors in the bundle and the rulers too.I enjoyed the pictures of the measuring of the buildings & etc. looked like fun also.

  376. very funny 😀
    Thanks for the chance!

  377. Peggy said

    What great fun the blog hop has been.

  378. Carlie said

    Great blog hop! I have enjoyed visiting and seeing all the first quilts and later ones to and the food,,,OMG they look yummy. and of course I would love to win me some rulers…Isn’t Pat great?!

  379. Lois March said

    I am ready to gobble some of that chesse spread for lunch. I love olives.
    Sorry we didn’t get to see the real first quilt, but I am sure it was great.
    Can’t wait to try the new rulers.

  380. KarrieLyne said

    Love your post! That photo of the fist is amazing! Its HUGE!! LOL!

  381. Bethany said

    Thanks for the photo tour.

  382. Marilyn said

    You would NEVER get me on the ferris wheel, even for a set of these wonderful rulers! Looks like you had some fun!

  383. Marcy said

    Once fall comes around, the recipes on the blogs are abundant as well. I love to try out new recipes and I just finished making a pumpkin cheesecake for dessert tonight. Thanks for sharing yours as well.

  384. Carmen said

    I am going to have to try the dip; sounds really good. Hubby’s poker friends are in for a treat! Fall makes me want to break out the soup kettle. Really chllly here his morning.

  385. Sandi said

    thanks for sharing the recipes, they sound great. I can’t believe the size of those giant marshmallows!

  386. anna said

    I loved your ruler tour – it was fun to see all the difference in perspectives – I also am definitely going to try your cheese spread. It sounds absolutely delicious- I am a big fan of all those flavors…
    The rulers look like an excellent tool and your fabric bundle is very pretty- Thanks for the opportunity to win such nice prizes.

  387. Jeanne Jones said

    Yeah, another giveaway!

  388. Janis said

    Funny! Great food and looks like great rulers!

  389. Ida said

    Well, the title certainly got my attention! And, the rulers in the pictures were too funny! Thanks for sharing!

  390. Rhonda Beam said

    What fun!! Thanks for the creative way to show off the rulers.

  391. Susan Ingram said

    Wow! Size does matter and you can really measure up with these rulers. Thanks for the blog hop.

  392. Georgette Mitchell said

    Love these rulers and the big colorful lines so you can see clearly. Really am enjoying the blog hop.

  393. mariajhmom said

    Thanks for the tour! Those rulers can measure anything!

  394. Brenda said

    I’ve never seen a rotary cutter quite like yours before.

  395. Melissa said

    If you had told me ten years ago that I would someday be giddy about collecting rulers, I’d have told you you were nuts, but here I am- drooling over more rulers I”d like to add to my collection…

  396. Looks like you had way too much fun “measuring up the town”!! LOL Thank you for the recipes – and showing us your first quilts “closest living relative!

  397. Jean said

    Rotary cutter antiques. Who knew? Thanks for the informaiton and the great pictures.

  398. katieQ said

    Thank you for the recipes and for showing your quilts.

  399. Ruebarb said

    Hmm. New rulers to help finish up old quilt projects that absolutely will not be in the unfinished stage by Christmas. Maybe.

  400. Debra said

    Thanks for the recipes! I don’t care for olives, but my family does, so I’m trying this one! Thanks, too, for the chance to win the rulers! I loved the measuring photos!

  401. Avon Bingham said

    I would love to try the new rulers. Enter me please.

  402. Stacey said

    super cute, i would love a chance to win the rulers, thanks

  403. Quiltluver-Karen said

    Love the Detroit pictures, and I would enjoy having those rulers!

  404. Kim G said

    Love the marshmallow pictures and that size does matter! Great blog hop and rulers!

  405. Virginia said

    I can’t believe I missed your blog during the blog roll. Glad the rulers were able to get out of the sewing room and get some sunshine. They seem to measure up to the job they do.

  406. Sharon Hughson said

    I love how size matters, donchano?!?! My Mo. was born in Detroit and so was my DH. LOL I want both the fabric and the rulers. How’s that for greedy?

  407. Hope said

    Love this post. I can’t wait to win. 😉

  408. Sylvia said

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  409. MoeWest said

    I enjoyed your pictures! Your roasted veggies recipe sounds good. I will be giving that one a try soon. Thanks for the chance to win these great prizes.

  410. Sandra Cudd said

    yummy recipes, especially the cream cheese/olive spread. would like to have those rulers so if I don’t win, I will just have to buy one or two or three or…..?

  411. Jeanne said

    Recipes sound good. Would love to win rulers or fabric. Thanks for the giveaway.

  412. Jeanne said

    Rulers would be really nice to win. Thanks for this giveaway.

  413. Janet said

    Ohh lots to say. Great blog! Love your fabric giveaway! Looks like your town really measures up! And thanks for the chance to win.

  414. Brenda said

    I LOVE to measure and to figure things out. In fact my favorite quilting tools are graph paper (or whatever) and drafting supplies. One of the things I do for fun is to look at a quilt or quilt photo and figure out how it was pieced. Not necessarily because I want to make it, but because I just want to KNOW. But for real quilting, these rulers would be wonderful. With my left hand in a splint and arthritis in both hands, both the non-slip and the sharpening features would be wonderful. I continually bump into the end of the ruler or come down on it (my eyes aren’t that great either ). So please help me out by using all of your power and skill to convince the magical random number generator to pop out mine for a change!


    P.S. The tomato vegi casserole sounds great. I have a neighbor who keeps me supplied with tomatoes and pears and there are only so many BLTs one can eat. Correction: that should be BAT for me — I use avocado instead of lettuce when I can! BTW, do you know a good recipe for pear crisp? I’m overflowing (enough to exceed the recommended intake of fruits)! I mean my fruit bowls and fridge, not me. Or other good pear recipes!


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