Archive for August, 2010

When’s the next train?

You may know of my love for the Australians — genius quilters in that exciting place! So, I saw this sign last night and I got all excited!

Yes, please! Where do I buy tickets?

And then I saw this “guy”:

And then I remembered I was at the zoo and nowhere near the train station to Australia. ::sigh::

But, the animals were ever-so-active in the evening last night.

This guy cracked us up and was a little miffed that we were interrupting his evening schedule:

Same here:

I’m very sorry if we interrupted their evening, but I must say it was worth to see the aardvarks digging, digging, digging:

A girl can get thirsty from all that digging! They now have my vote for Favorite Animal!

I feel like I’ve been digging, digging, digging this week. There were kid’s bedroom reno activities. I may have had a tiny little snooze in the new loft bed — just to be sure it was safe up there. Safety first, I say.

There has been sewing, sewing, sewing.

I got to play with these cute witches:

Decided to put a little wonky four patch around her for border. I think witches get mad if you cut into them too much.

The wonky four patch idea comes from the most recent Fons & Porter magazine in a clever little pattern called Tipsy.

Fun and fast!

I’ve been chomping at the bit to get to a pattern from Pat Sloan’s new book Fast-Forward Quilts. There are SEVERAL quilts in this book that I’d like to make — pretty, pretty, pretty!

Anyhoo, the “fast forward” part of the patterns is the use of pre-cuts so you’re one step ahead of the cutting game when you begin.

I made my own pre-cuts for Pat’s “I Remember” quilt (shown on the book’s cover):

Decidedly a little spring-y in fabric choices but a definite cheerer-upper:

Happy, happy, joy, joy!

That pretty much hits the high points of the week — along with some nom-licious homemade hot sauce (which I don’t think we will ever run out of…). How was your week?

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Amy, Amy, Amy

So, you’re like, ‘where have YOU been?’

And, I’m like, ‘under a rock with my new BFF.’

GOOD HEAVENS. My new BFF has been keeping me completely occupied. I am, however, happy to report that we are getting ready to break up the friendship and go our separate ways.

Here’s my new BFF:

We’ve spent so much quality time together that I began to be concerned about what our togetherness was doing to my Ugly Vein. As in, if I continue to sit here machine quilting, is my Ugly Vein going to pop from sitting too long? The pressure can’t be good. The last of the basting pins came out last night, BFF got her binding machined this morning and now we just have to sit together a spell longer for the hand sewing portion of our time together. We had gotten to the point where if I found JUST ONE MORE basting pin and an accompanying empty space for quilting, I didn’t know what kind of injury I was going to inflict with said basting pin. But, really, this is no valid complaint — after all, I was QUILTING. How bad can it ever be when you’re at the sewing machine? And, my BFF is amazingly soft and drape-y so I think she was worth the effort and the stress on my Ugly Vein.

On the other hand, I am feeling a distinct sense of renewal. Maybe, just maybe, it is the impendingness of the new school year that has me ready to stick my head back up…

On the BRIGHTEST side, guess what came in the mail? My DQS9 quilt. Guess who it’s from? Amy. Guess what she sent? Amy. Amy sent Amy to Amy. Ha!

Here’s the gorgeous quilt:

Isn’t it wonderful?!

Amy has a new Etsy shop with LOVELY things featuring her own linocut designs. And, say, don’t everyone go and buy up all those buttons with the scallops…I’m going to need a set of those. Anyway, Amy sent along the most adorable pincushion WITH matching pins!

This is one of Amy’s freezer paper stenciled Kokeshi doll designs. A is for adorable!

Thank you so very much, Amy!

So, I’m out from under my rock. Look out! 🙂

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Almost wordless Wednesday

More See-n-Sew with old friends.

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By the book

A little bit of “quilt by numbers” this week. Not that I mind because it’s like visiting with old friends. I’m making a quilt just like it’s shown in a book (shh, I messed up one block’s background which means that another block’s background will be messed up…double the humility):

It’s the Spools quilt pattern by Pauline Smith from Kaffe’s Kaleidoscope of Quilts.

I am enjoying the color palette as well. Three more rows to go…

A wee bit of new stash arrived today to enhance the in-house owl obsession:

Isn’t that the funkiest owl? It’s from a new group by Tina Givens.

Speaking of birds, we had a FUN outing over the weekend to the Maker Faire where, among other magnificent things, we got to see these guys:

Better known as the diet Coke and Mentos guys. It was a blast!

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