Archive for October, 2007

Such a treat


I didn’t buy a copy of Amy Butler’s new book when she was signing copies at quilt market. It’s a big book and I was literally weighing the options…am I already overweight on my luggage? will my shoulder accomodate another big item in my totebag? As soon as I saw that I was almost 10 pounds UNDER the luggage weight limit, I kicked myself for not getting a copy. I decided to pick up a copy at Borders yesterday. And, thank you, Borders, along came an email coupon for 30% off one item.

It is readily apparent that I don’t usually read homestyle/lifestyle type books, but I love this book. It seems so much more do-able than I would have expected. Her home’s style has a very simple but rich (not $$$) appeal. The overall appearance is a homey sleekness in which you can tell the details are very important. I also like the re-use and recycle message as well as the ideas for using her lovely fabrics all over the house.

Maybe this will help inspire some Midwest Modern touches around this place. Hmm, I believe the dogs are in tune with this aesthetic–they have a decidedly kinetic approach to couch cushion re-arrangement.

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Because there won’t be enough sweets around tomorrow


I bring you a good old-fashioned sugar cream pie. It is my current culinary obsession. I grew up in Indiana where this is practically the state pie. OK, in my family it would qualify as the state pie. Because there was an abundance of sugar cream pie available for purchase (not mass produced frozen ones), I never actually saw one made in my family. We loved them, we didn’t need to make them. Well, sugar cream pies have been on my mind lately because my mom has been punishing me by raving about the sugar cream pie from a local baker. It’s not bad enough I can’t get Heyerly’s donuts. In order to address this pie craving, I have scoured the internet for recipes. It seems there are lots of variations. Panic ensues. Which one makes the RIGHT pie? This is my second attempt. The first one tasted right but had a full rolling boil going on in the oven and thus was not photogenic–having spilled much of its contents onto the baking sheet.

This one looks much better. Let’s hope it tastes right. I’ll get back to you on that. Here is the recipe for this one. It is from The Amish Cook.

Homemade Sugar Cream Pie
1 cup water
1½ cups sugar
½ cup flour
½ teaspoon salt
½ cup butter
1 cup heavy cream
1 teaspoon vanilla
Boil water with butter. Remove from heat. Mix sugar, flour, salt and stir into above mixture. Add cream and vanilla. Sprinkle with nutmeg. Bake at 450 degrees for 10 minutes, then at 350 degrees for 40 minutes.

Welcome to Indiana! Nothing flashy, we just like good pie.

EDITED: It was tough, but I found time to taste test this pie. While it is still delicious, this version is a little more custardy in texture than I like. I prefer something a little more creamy and the flavor wasn’t quite as good as the previous pie which used 1 1/2 cups cream and did not have the butter and water combo used in this recipe.

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Tool notes

An update of sorts on the previously mentioned Karisma pencil. It appears that this product will be available more widely as a product from Bohin. Watch for it at stores in the U.S. or ask if your LQS can order from their distributor of choice. I’m sure it will be less expensive than sending away for it from France, but I still don’t think it’s any better or worse than a regular mechanical pencil.

And, talk about fine cutlery: In the “luxury tools” category, Gingher has come out with a rotary cutter. My, is it ever handsome. I believe I noticed that the suggested retail price is $69.95. I think it would be a good holiday gift for the man in your life. Strangely, it would find its way to your sewing room shortly after the holidays…how would that happen??

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A note was on my car windshield when I got off the airport shuttle at the parking lot last night. Here is what it said:


If that’s not the way to be welcomed home, I don’t know what is. It is nice to have us all home safe and sound.

Re-entry has been a little bumpy. Here are some things I don’t recommend: PMS, having work done on your bathroom bright and early the morning after you’ve returned, having to clean up after that work (I have to clean the house AGAIN?), sewing an innkeeper’s costume for tomorrow’s Ben Franklin play at school (would you also want to be an innkeeper for Halloween? I think not), a fried laptop, fleas and an empty fridge. Not necessarily in that order (except the PMS).

There were many lovely things to see and many lovely people to meet in Houston. Oh, the people were LOVELY, just so nice. This was especially great since I was entirely on my own. I didn’t take pictures of people because they really don’t know who I am.

I think another good night’s sleep is required before I can sort through the project possibilities and review my notes which I’m sure will be nothing but babbling rambles on paper.

And, yes, I did have a fancy dessert. I had the apple pie sundae.

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It’s crazy, I tell ya


The Friday night before Quilt Market officially opens includes a unique experience called sample spree. Here are a few of my new friends…they’re all friends, I’m sure, because we shared so much personal space for about two hours beforehand. The above picture is actually near the FRONT of the line. I haven’t been to gobs of quilt markets, but I’ve never been in line this early and I’ve never seen so many people staying so long. I pooped out by about 9:40. The Moda table was still fogged in with people. I don’t think I ever got within three people of the actual table.

I did manage to find lots of other treasures. Somehow I managed to stalk people. They were so sweet about it. What fantastic new fabrics they have with Marcus! AND, they are coming out with patterns!

Earlier in the day, I attended several schoolhouse sessions in which designers, authors and other quilting professionals present information on a variety of topics. It has made me slightly more philosophical about the quilting industry. It’s all still working its way around my brain. I think it has stalled for the night, however, due to the tiredness that overtook me as soon as I sat down in the hotel. Probably a good thing for now.

I think that’s it for now. The lure of the overflowing totebags AND a House episode I somehow missed are calling (how did THAT happen??). Oh, yes, and sleeeeeep.

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Great googly moogly

If I don’t show up at quilt market, you can find me in the hotel restaurant eating everything off the “sweets” menu. Honey fig compote, indeed! Thank you, Orbitz!

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Gathering papers, checking reservations, cleaning up the iPod’s holdings (buying a new AC adaptor), downloading new audio books, nursing a blister (oh, Vanity, thy name is cute shoes…), preparing an applique project. That’s what’s going on around here before heading out to quilt market. Not much compared to all of the designers and fabric people and notions people and…yeah, I’m not doing much but getting more and more excited. I can’t wait. I will have to help get some of the other family members ready to go on a separate plane trip. And clean the house so the dog sitter doesn’t have to wonder if I ever clean the house. I’ll blame the dogs.

How could I blame anything on this:


I did spend a little time this morning playing with a new thing.


This is great fun and very well done! Since we are Mac people, we have to emulate the Windows environment in order to work the quilty software. I always feel like an alien landing in another world. I manage to get past that so I can play for a while on Planet Electric Quilt. All right, those fabric lollypop circles aren’t going to gather themselves!

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Domestic bliss


What a beautiful, thoroughly modern book.

I got my copy at Book Depository here (thanks to Candy for recommending them on her blog).

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All Kaffe, all the time


Just kidding. But look what came today. I must say, it was fun to play in the Westminster stash for the house quilt, so it should be fun to dig around and see what works for the Lollypop Trees quilt. Bear in mind, this will be finished WITHOUT the lightning speed used for the house quilt. Although, a few more short triple cappuccinos and we’ll talk about being speedy. Paranoia and the shakes may get in the way. Hey, who said that?

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Things are coming together


The plaid, she is driving me nutty, but, in the end, it looked best with each of the houses. Two houses got booted out and replaced with new construction. How much do I love this quilt? On to the border.

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