Archive for June, 2009

Saving up for July

I was going to pop on here and mention that the Piece O’ Cake ladies have a new applique book coming out in July (gasp, go here and look at some of the quilts — I’m dying over the Leaves in the Breeze quilt). And then I wandered over to their publisher, C & T Publishing, to see about the publication date, and I saw all of the other new books coming out in July. Holy moly! There are A LOT of good-looking books coming. You can see for yourself here.

I’m going to have to prioritize somehow. Lorraine Olsen’s Little Lone Star Quilts books sounds good! Alex Anderson has a new machine and hand applique book! Intuitive Color and Design from Jean Wells? Sign me up! A re-issue of Barbara Brackman’s Encyclopedia of Applique? Swoon. AND the new Piece O’ Cake book?? I could go on, but I’m trying not to because I’m going broke just thinking about it. Join me, won’t you??

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Two medium grey bobbins


At least someone gets to go to the “spa.” The machine has been needing service for a couple of months, but I’ve been putting it off. It’s been skipping stitches when doing free motion. Her seams have been a little bunchy. But the machine quilting is really the problem. Yesterday I tried to quilt a small piece. Not gonna happen with that machine.

So, I pulled out the 1090, the old reliable back-up machine — my first Bernina. We did some tension adjusting together and went about our quilting business. I kept thinking, “my, I’ve gotten too used to the nice bright fluorescent light of the 440” (in reality, the bulb on the 1090 keeps flickering and needs replaced). I contorted some Ott lights and carried on. We didn’t do too badly together. As bobbins do, the bobbin ran out about halfway through the quilting. So, I put the empty on the winder…no go. So, I just wound the bobbin on the 440 and finished the quilting on the 1090.


Then I took the 440 in to the “spa” today. And then I wanted to do some piecing on the 1090 with some beige thread instead of grey. Even though I must have 100 bobbins, I had to un-fill one to have an empty for the beige. I put the empty on the 1090’s winder. Ooohhhh. That’s right. I forgot. It doesn’t work. Rassum frassum (no swearing…). So, for piecing, I am left with two partially filled medium grey bobbins until the 440 returns. Wish me luck.

In that case, I decided I needed to stitch something wee. So I did:


See, wee:


We saw a lot of Westminster fabric mixed with batiks while at quilt market. A lot. One of my favorite booths was that of Virginia Robertson who had several beautiful quilts that used Westminster mixed with batiks. They were enchanting. They were new twists on traditional quilts. Of course, I was practically speechless (and not because of the drool) to be in such a quilting legend’s booth.

So, needing to conserve neutral thread (yes, 100 bobbins only two of which contain neutral thread…), I decide to bust out the batiks and Westminsters and get started:


Genius!  Everything for the quilt top can be cut from 2 1/2″ strips!  Stephanie knows of the fun of making Dresdens from 2 1/2″ strips.

Speaking of Stephanie, do you have her new West Linn bag pattern yet????


Not only is it cute, but it looks straightforward and fast. I can see this being a great gift for next year’s crop of 10 year olds. Well, and at least one for myself…

In other non sequiturs, I uncovered my copy of another Japanese lantern pattern by Trish Harper:


This one is pretty festive too, no? But those seams look too long for current bobbin rationing conditions. Later, then. But soon, hopefully.

Enjoy the weekend!

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Something about blueberries

I’ve been avoiding making desserts for some time now. Mainly because I am a dessert piglet and won’t stop eating cookies, ice cream, what have you. But blueberries are healthy, right? I knew I’d seen a delectable looking berry cobbler recipe…somewhere. I went through the usual suspects in my bookmarks: 101 Cookbooks, Simply Recipes, Serious Eats. Finally gave in and just did a Google search.

So, I made this:


From this Triple Berry Cobbler recipe. Hmm, 18 servings? Yeah, I don’t think so. Clearly, this recipe has not met me.

Of course, halfway through making that recipe, I found the original source I wanted to use in the Penzey’s catalog.

Oh well. Either way, I realize that NOT buying the vanilla ice cream was a big mistake!

It was a good mail day. I ordered a used copy of this:


I’m not sure which of the superb bloggy blogs mentioned this book recently, but it sounded like a good one. And it is!  What kinds of designs look good in what kind of space, how to draft the designs. Indispensible! I certainly didn’t pay a premium for the book, so look around, keep an eye on Amazon’s used offerings for better prices. That’s what I usually do…I’ll add an out of print book to my wish list and then check back periodically to see what kinds of prices are available. I didn’t need this book right away, but saw a good price and snatched it up. This one came from Amazon via Better World Books, a site that dear Lily mentioned recently.

Also, some summer linen arrived from Kathy today:

The darker one at top is tencel linen in moss; the lighter one at bottom is Aiden linen in natural. I need to add some Essex linen to the mix sometime soon. The tencel linen is a lighter weight with a good drape. The Essex is thicker…maybe good for bags and such? Both are lovely.

I also added a Pink Chalk Fabrics tape measure to the photo because I kept forgetting to show it to you. I ran into Kathy at Spring Market and she gave me the last one she had with her. Thanks again, Kathy! It’s a very cheery and easy to find tape measure. Which is very important around here.

Ohhhh, I also see that Kathy has Melanie Hurlston’s (of Melly & me) new Kaleidoscope book in stock. Note to self…

Oh, and I wanted to mention the book that Liza commented about the other day — Judy Martin’s Ultimate Rotary Cutting Reference.  She said she finds it essential! I’m going to be adding it to my collection immediately if not sooner.  Looks like it will take away some of the brain strain when I’m being all Goldilocks about quilt blocks.

Swear Jar/Grumble Jar update: Both jars are still emtpy (although the nightly complaints about the care and maintenance of braces is going to start to count…) (and I awarded myself two free swears over some coffee spillage…you know, the kind that covers the counter and and swirls around the canisters and under the dog meds containers, yeah, that one).

Hoping all is well where you are!

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It’s the economy, stupid

By that I mean, it’s the economy patch (and the stupid in question is me…).  I’ve been making a sampler of sorts over the last few months using 9″ blocks. I got to this month’s set and thought I needed square in a square blocks…just with fewer rounds.


Hmm, puzzling over how to figure out how big that center square should be. As a friend sweetly pointed out, it’s the economy patch, stupid. I’m paraphrasing.


Ohhhh, right.

You’d think I’d remember this especially since I’ve been working on Liza’s economy patch quilt (from Country Garden Quilts) in pink. I must be working on that semi-sporadically.

Here’s the handy dandy block book I’m using for these ECONOMY patches. I come back to this book from time to time and really appreciate having it.


And here are some Kaffe-y economy patches:








Do you notice the less than crisp blocks??  Yes, that iron…. but I’m trying not to swear or grumble about it because we had to institute 25 cents a swear or grumble for the summer. I was tired of the first week of grumbling in response to requests (OK, instructions…) to do a few pages of math or to practice the piano. So, dear daughter has a grumble jar and I have a swear jar.  So far both jars are empty. We’re behaving ourselves. So far.

I’ve only been able to dabble in the sewing room this week. A little slack in the schedule caused by the invasion of summer. Needing to rectify that this next week before I lose all sense of control.

In any event, I was smitten recently by some Kaufman stripes that were being very friendly with some Kaffe prints. I spent an evening going through block books trying to find a good pairing. I can’t remember the chain of events that eventually got me to this Japanese lantern quilt on Flickr. Isn’t she a beauty?

I followed the link over to Martha’s Q Is for Quilter blog post about the quilt. Again, isn’t she a beauty?! Martha includes an image of the pattern page in her post. I decided I didn’t want to piece the blocks on point and figure that a plain alternate block with lantern top and bottom at the, well, top and bottom will get me a layout similar to Martha’s. I really like that layout.

I feel a bit like Goldilocks working out the finer points of this block. Here is one block that may be acceptable. I’m thinking I want the lantern top and bottom to be a little wider. Which will mean I need to shorten the height of the lantern’s printed strips. Or I will need to figure out if a connecting-up rectangle will work (as opposed to the connecting-up square) (makes my head hurt). So, there has been playing around. And I think I don’t want these to be quite as matchy-matchy as this first block. I kind of like the unmatchiness of the square in a square blocks above. I think that will give the lanterns some sparkle. And don’t the lanterns in Martha’s quilt just sparkle with fun?!

Anybody interested in a little pattern/tutorial once I get this worked out?



In the evenings, I have been “quilting” this:


This is a slight riff on Sarah’s Potting Shed pattern. She kindly sent it to those of us who joined in as blogs for the SEWN launch. I thought I would do an enlarged one-off small quilt. As I got the  block together, I thought, gee, I would like to have a bigger quilt of these blocks. To be continued…

Oh, and, yes, I did get the flannel animals together. Today has been the first really sticky day, so now I am truly wondering what I was thinking because now I need to put the blocks together and then QUILT the thing. The thought is unappealing at the moment.


All righty, I’m off to make some guacamole (the official food of summer?) and get ready for another round of thunderstorms tonight. Have a great Father’s Day weekend!

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Tracing large animals

…onto fusible web.



(don’t forget the spots…)



And then fusing that fusible web to flannel.


In June.

So unlike me.

EDITED TO ADD: This is going to be a flannel version of Giraffes, Elephants & Hippos! Oh My! A free pattern on the Michael Miller site.

And a little bit more stem stitching thrown in. You know, to keep the insanity at bay.


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Where is this year going?

Half the year gone? Three more days of school (well, two and a half if you’re a kid who’s counting)? How did this happen? I don’t know how it happened, I just now that 2009 is fast moving.

And like the gobs of cottonwood fluff swirling around my backyard, I’m in a mental frenzy trying to make the most of the last few days of peace before sewing productivity plummets.

So, what do I go and do? Start something new that wasn’t in the “plan” (or the semblance of a plan that resides noggin-side). Well, it landed in my email-box. What can I say? I’ll tell you what it is once it is more accomplished.

I can say that I have it ready for handwork for the hockey game tonight.

And, while I don’t retract any of the nice things I’ve said about Pittsburgh recently (what a lovely city…), it is the Stanley Cup we’re talking about and this is Michigan. I’ll go back to warm-fuzzy Pittsburgh feelings after we win. 🙂 But, go me, I have some handwork at the ready!

It was also not too late for making part of a teacher gift:


Yes, it’s the famous journal cover with directions courtesy of the lovely Bloom blog!

A pattern so nice, I made it twice. However, the one below is a quarter of an inch TOO SHORT:

D’oh! My next quest will be to find a notebook that fits it so it doesn’t go completely to waste. In your comments, please be sure to say how much nicer the flowery one is…

Aside from these two things, there are A LOT of things I want to start, but they are suffering from a bit of a delay of game. All righty, maybe I need to go and make a list and get some of the swirling bits down on paper so I can remember what I meant to do before next week comes.

Can we slow the year down just a little???

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SEWN is up

It’s all fresh and pretty to look at and interesting to read and…
go see the SEWN web site.

Congrats to Sarah and all involved in the new (ad)venture!

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Well, you need to know

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SEWN Launch Giveaway Winners

It’s happening all over blog-land — SEWN Launch Giveaway winners are being announced hither and yon. (Yes, um, so far I haven’t won anything…what is up with that???)

I was going to include some lovely, ahem, photos of the items that were in my bag when I came back from Quilt Market, but it is a cloudy, grey morning so I am not getting any decent photos right now (see, I spared you the visual assault). AND YOU JUST WANT TO KNOW WHO WON ANYWAY, right?!


So, the weight of the bag:

expando bag

was 15 pounds. Gosh, I felt like a wimp for complaining about a sore shoulder after seeing some of your guesses that frightened me. Maybe my shoulder was sore from all of the days I carried the bag (although it was only seriously stuffed for the trip home).

There were two correct guesses at 15 pounds. I drew from the two names and Christine Cohrs from Down Under is the winner of the Far Far Away fat quarters! Congratulations, Christine!

Then I random number generated from the number of comments for the winner of the Wildwood fat quarters:


And that means that Kim from the South is the winner of the Wildwood fat quarters.

So, thanks to everyone for joining in and guessing!!

Are you excited about SEWN? Can’t wait!

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Best possible outcome

Just an update on the stray Boston terrier — her family claimed her at the animal shelter. Yea! Having had brief incidents with my own strays, I know how relieved they must be.

Now it’s off to tend the fabrics and hopefully not get led astray among the bolts myself. That is, if I can wake up today. Feeling awfully creaky and tired today for some reason…or for no good reason other than aging?

And don’t forget to enter the mass of SEWN giveaways before the deadlines! For any of you who remember the sale commercials: Open, open, open, open.

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